

[手遊攻略]死者的時代(Time of the Dead)英文/中文攻略(附介紹)

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死者的時代(死之時、Time Of The Dead : Fantasy Romance Thriller Otome、Time of the Dead : Story Game、죽음의 시간 : 여성향 미스터리 사극)的介紹與攻略。










《死者的時代》是一款由 所推出的模擬遊戲。












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GO ON PATROL:可以獲得禮物。贈送禮物給角色,能使角色好感度增加。

Gems:可以透過gem offers、登入獎勵等方法獲得免費寶石。



xxx =選擇選項,沒有效果。
xxx【 角色++】【Gems-100】=選擇選項消耗Gems,角色好感大UP。


Normal Ending→Gyeom→Bok→ Yeob→Ryu→ Hidden Ending。

3.Hidden Ending:

至少玩過一次Normal Ending。


在選擇結局之前,在該周目中的至少獲得80%的Ryu好感度+贈送「Embroidered Handkerchief」給Ryu和「Incense Pouch」給 Yeob。

Episode 0

Well, then what about you… 【Yeob++】
Uh, how will you be able to take all of them down by yourself…
You are saying I should flee to safety alone…?

Thank you for saving me 【Ryu++】
I really don’t know what is going on


Episode 1

Close my eyes
Observe the movement of the monsters 【Gems-100】 【全員好感度+】

Lady…were you referring to me? 【Bok++】
You don’t need to be so formal…? 【Bok+】
Do we know each other from before? 【Bok+】

Young Master, let me explain…! 【Gyeom++】
There was…a complicated situation 【Gyeom+】
He wasn’t lying when he said there is a monster 【Gyeom+】


Episode 2

Stop fighting…! 【Gyeom+】
Somebody’s gonna get hurt…! 【Gems-100】 【Gyeom++】
How has it come to this all of a sudden??! 【Gyeom+】

(Who else is here but me?) 【Gyeom++】
(What kind of nonsense is he spewing all of a sudden?)
(Plum Flower…? Earlier he mentioned something else alongside that?) 【Gyeom+】

I didn’t know Buddle was here
No need to thank me 【Gems-100】 【Bok++】
Yeah, we can relax here now 【Bok+】

I just wanted… to thank you properly… 【Gems-100】 【Yeob++】
I didn’t know you were…that famous person 【Yeob+】
Ah! Nothing! I don’t really have anything to say 【Yeob+】


Episode 3

But to say I’m a monster… It’s just that I have my reasons 【Gyeom+】
Well, I was allowed in as a guest… 【Gyeom++】
Monster…? You know something about what’s happening? 【Gyeom+】

Go straight to using the map 【Gems-55】 【全員好感度+】
Watch ad and borrow the map

And…the monsters seem to have a weakness 【Gyeom+】
It’s still…too early to be losing hope 【Gyeom+】
There will be a way to solve the problem 【Gyeom++】

Can you stay here with us? 【Gems-100】 【Yeob++】 
You can’t be thinking of leaving here alone…? +Yeob
I know you have excellent skills in martial arts, but… 【Yeob+】


Episode 4

Young Master, you weren’t aware…? 【Gyeom++】
How come people know about the plague already?
Exorcism out of the blue…. 【Gyeom+】

(Who could tell of the monsters)
I remember she mentioned a name yesterday 【Gems-100】 【全員好感度+】

I used to climb mountains in search of medicinal herbs 【Bok+】
Whew~ I’m glad things have gotten better 【Bok++】
My teacher taught me a lot about medicine 【Bok+】

Is there any books on medicine in your Library? 【Gems-100】 【Gyeom++】
Is there any bookstore in the village? 【Gyeom+】



要求:Kerosene Lamp【Gems-450】

(Th-this is scary…Should I go join the others?)
(I can still just read about the texts, let’s stay looking at it a few more moments) 【全員好感度+】

(The title in itself sounds creepy… I’m not sure I want to know…)
(Could it contain clues about the plague…?) 【Yeob++】

Should I just look for something else…?
Maybe I’ll see better if I get closer 【Ryu+】


Episode 5

You must be so tired 【Ryu+】
I’m getting worried about you… Inspector 【Ryu+】
I hope you don’t over exhaust yourself 【Gems-100】【Ryu+++】

How do you remember that? 【Ryu+】
Perhaps… you have seen my father?

Did you… sleep well? 【Yeob++】
Did I…disturb your sleep?

You, you got something to say?
Do I have…something on my face?
If you keep looking at me like that… it’s making me feel uncomfortable 【Yeob++】


Episode 6

(Maybe I can slip my hand from his…?) 【Bok+】
(Should I talk to Bok?) 【Bok+】
(just…keep holding hands with him?) 【Gems-100】 【Bok++】

Thank you, Bok 【Bok+】
Bok, you are such a nice boy
Bok, you have so many great friends!

So, is there any book I can read? 【Gems-100】 【全員好感度+】
How did you become friends with Bok?

I’m not laughing at you…! 【Bok++】
Sorry, you’re being so cute it made me laugh
You’ve never been to Hanyang? 【Bok+】

Use a mirror right away 【Gems-55】 【全員好感度+】
Watch ad and borrow the mirror


Episode 7

I think someone’s watching us
Bok, I have something to talk to you about 【Bok++】

Bok, what is it…?
It was just a joke…
I was just saying because you seemed nervous… 【Bok++】

Let go of me…! 【Gyeom++】
You must’ve mistaken me for someone else…!

How can I make a comparison like that? 【Gems-100】 【Gyeom++】
Why…compare to Bok… 【Gyeom+】
Not bad, but… 【Gyeom+】


Episode 8

I thought you were supposed to be in Hanyang??
How did you end up coming here…?
Did anything happen at the Royal Infirmary…? 【Gems-100】 【全員好感度+】

You made a mistake first
He was just trying to protect me 【Bok++】
Why are you cornering Bok?

What do I need them for? 【Gems-100】 【全員好感度+】
Where am I supposed to get them?

How did you know I was reading a book? 【Yeob+】
Where did you go? It’s getting so late… 【Yeob++】
Yeob, are you interested in books too?

Can you come closer? 【Yeob++】
There’s a scratch on your cheek 【Yeob+】


Episode 9

But… you didn’t have to grab it… 【Yeob+】
I was just worried about you… 【Yeob+】
What if I reach out…again? 【Gems-100】 +【Yeob++】

Inspector, did you discover anything? 【Ryu+】
Please don’t skip meals 【Ryu+】
Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help 【Gems-100】 【Ryu+++】

Is there any apothecary nearby? 【Gyeom+】
Where’s the physician’s place? 【Gyeom++】

Yes, it’s my first time 【Gyeom+】
Something about this place feels familiar 【Gyeom++】
I think I’ve been here before…ah! 【Gyeom+】




What can I do for you?
It’s not something weird, is it…? 【Gyeom+】
I can help you with whatever you want

D-didn’t you fall asleep…? 【Gyeom+】
Uh, since when were you…
Y-you scared me…!


It must be fun 【Bok++】
I was gonna ask you first 【Bok+】
Okay, let’s go together 【Bok+】

Isn’t it far from here? 【Bok+】
To me…? 【Bok++】
How beautiful was it? 【Bok+】


Huh? Then what brought you here? 【Yeob++】
You have to do something here, right? 【Yeob+】
Then go where you have to go 【Yeob+】

You could get embarrassed… 【Yeob++】
Your face turned red… 【Yeob+】
Are you feeling shy…? 【Yeob+】


Please just look around the market for a while 【Ryu++】
I think I left something 【Ryu+】
Oh, my…! There is something Buddle asked me to buy 【Ryu+】

It’s not my clothes…! 【Ryu+】
It’s weird…right…? 【Ryu+】
It’s…a wedding dress. 【Ryu++】


Episode 10

Perhaps a thief 【Bok+】
Maybe they are in some place outside my room…? 【Bok+】
The last time I saw my books… 【Gems-100】 【Bok++】

I…must have left them in my drawers and forgotten about it 【Gyeom+】
It’s no big deal. Don’t worry about it 【Gyeom++】
I’m still looking, but…

What do you mean by everybody? 【Bok++】
Who’s reading a book? 【Bok+】
Is it something you saw in the Hall of Justice?

Weren’t you the one behind all this? 【Gyeom+】
You really didn’t know what Sim did? 【Gyeom++】
You had no idea about what happened to my books? 【Gyeom+】


Episode 11

Lady Lily 【Gems-100】 【Gyeom++】
Young Master Gyeom… 【Gyeom+】

You had a crush on Young Master Gyeom? 【Gems-100】 【Gyeom++】
I wasn’t trying to put the blame on someone to begin with 【Gyeom+】
What kind of relationship do you have… with Sim?

Did you forget… what you were going to say? 【Gyeom+】
I don’t get…what you’re saying 【Gyeom+】
Did something happen…? 【Gyeom++】

It’s okay since I got my books back 【Bok++】
I am in no position because I’m imposing a burden on this Library
I wasn’t gonna get angry to begin with…in the first place


Episode 12

Why would you do that? You frightened them 【Gems-100】 【Yeob++】
Were you playing a prank on the twins? 【Yeob+】

Are you actually showing concern for me? 【Yeob++】
Come to think of it, its quite cloudy today
Are you saying I should take an umbrella?

Is this like the same thing from before…? 【Gyeom++】
Is it Gary again…? 【Gyeom+】

Um, do I know you…?
Oh…I lost my way…
L-let me pass…


Episode 13

Don’t tell me… They are traffickers? 【Gems-100】 【全員好感度+】
They intend to harm me…?

Is that something you cannot tell me? 【Ryu+】
That’s right 【Ryu+】
I have a lot of questions, but… 【Gems-100】 【Ryu++】

The esteemed scholars before me… could you introduce yourselves?
Is this your first time… in this area?
Why are you doing this?



要求:Sharp Hairpin【Gems-450】

(Won’t they find me if I wait here…?)
(I have to tell them I’m here!) 【全員好感度+】

Scream right away 【Ryu+】
Think for a moment

(No, I have to pull it together…!) 【Yeob+】
(They said there was a price on my body…)


Episode 14

Could you please… stay with me for a little longer? 【Gems-100】 【全員好感度+】
It’s difficult for me to change the dressings by myself!

I really enjoy having a conversation with your ladyship… 【Bok+】
I just like… being friends with people 【Gems-100】 【Bok++】
Graced with your ladyship’s presence, I couldn’t help it 【Bok+】

An unusual…pig? 【Ryu++】
The kids went to the mountains by themselves?

Use a handkerchief right away【Gems-55】【Gyeom+】
Watch ad and borrow a handkerchief


Episode 15

That pig, it might have followed them here! 【Gems-100】 【Yeob++】
I just want to take a look outside…! 【Yeob+】
There’s something suspicious about this 【Yeob+】

I…understand how you feel, Young Master 【Gyeom+】
You’ve done more than enough thus far 【Gyeom++】
You don’t have to say that…

Someone filed…an incident report?!
Why Henry…
He doesn’t know yet where Henry is…? 【Gems-100】 【全員好感度+】


Episode 16

Just follow what I say to you, okay?
He doesn’t know Henry 【全員好感度+】
How about you pretend to be Henry? 【Gems-100】 【全員好感度+】

Do you have anything… to say to me? 【Yeob+】
Why are you looking at me like that? 【Yeob+】
You are not looking… too happy. Is something bothering you? 【Gems-100】 【Yeob++】

It does matter 【Gems-100】 【Ryu++】
…I do it because I’d like to 【Ryu+】
I get scared but… 【Ryu+】


Episode 17

What made you sever all contact with me?!? 【Gyeom++】
I’ve been looking everywhere for you…

Have you heard anything about the symptoms of this plague before? 【全員好感度+】
Do you know anything about people turning into a monster…? 【Gems-100】 【全員好感度++】
Aren’t you afraid of Henry…?

I believe I saw a book…on that village here 【Gems-100】 【Gyeom++】
How come there’s no records left? 【Gyeom+】
How did it disappear from history altogether? 【Gyeom+】

Was the culprit ever identified?
Is the village still there…? 【Ryu+】
What happened to the villagers…? 【Gems-100】 【Ryu++】

Use sweet rice snack now 【Gems-55】 【全員好感度+】
Watch ad and borrow it




What…? Who will you take care of? 【Gyeom+】
Why do you make a vow?
I wasn’t worried

How about my favourite food? 【Gyeom+】
I know a good place
Would you mind if I show you around?


That you gave me snacks? 【Bok+】
Sorry, I already heard it 【Bok+】
I didn’t hear him 【Bok++】

Is that all…? 【Bok+】
Now’s the chance! 【Bok++】
You love the festival, don’t you? 【Bok+】

When did you get here? 【Yeob+】
Why didn’t you call me? 【Yeob++】
You’re looking forward to the festival, aren’t you? 【Yeob+】

Yeob, have you flown a sky lantern? 【Yeob++】
Wow, they’re shining 【Yeob+】
This is why people come to the festival 【Yeob+】


Thank you… 【Ryu++】
I almost fell… 【Ryu+】
Haha… I just said I could keep up with you… 【Ryu+】

Do you know me…? 【Ryu+】
Do you know Dong-yi…? 【Ryu+】
Have we met before…? 【Ryu++】


Episode 18

Sorry…if I bothered you. 【Bok+】
You must like children 【Bok++】
Does it hurt where they bumped into you?

By any chance… is it for me?
Is it for the Inspector? 【Ryu+】

What…? M-me…?
A-again, with your jokes…. 【Ryu+】
You just came in by…coincidence? 【Gems-100】 【Ryu++】

Did you see any monsters in Namsun…? 【Bok+】
What happens if it’s the plague…? 【Bok+】
Was it only the thatched house that had bloodstains? 【Bok++】


Episode 19

Inspector said he’s been there 【Bok+】
A letter regarding that incident just arrived 【Bok+】
What happened to the people… who were attacked? 【Gems-100】 【Bok++】

I gotta do… my job 【Gems-100】 【全員好感度++】
I’ve got to go see what it’s like in Namsun now 【全員好感度+】
Maybe it’s not too late yet

I’d like to do my part 【全員好感度+】
I’m not alone… Everyone’s all helping me 【Gems-100】 【全員好感度++】
You don’t have to worry about me

Tell me of all the houses you know here 【Gems-100】 【Bok++】
Who was the person you heard the rumour from? 【Bok+】



要求:Long Cloak  【Gems-450】

Did we get the wrong home?
Did something happen here? 【Bok+】

(But I don’t know where…)
(Oh? It must have been from there!) 【Yeob+】

W-warrior! A monster!! 【Ryu+】


Episode 20

I’m sorry, Warrior… 【Gyeom+】
How…are you feeling…? 【Gyeom+】
If I had been more vigilant, this wouldn’t have happened… 【Gems-100】 【Gyeom++】

Thank you, Inspector 【Ryu+】
What happened to the place where you went to check…? 【Ryu+】
I’m fine, but…the warrior… 【Gems-100】 【Ryu++】

Are you jealous? 【Yeob+】
You want me to stay with you? 【Gems-100】 【Yeob++】

My word, you don’t trust it? 【Bok+】
Why didn’t they come back? 【Bok+】
I promise I’ll be back 【Gems-100】 【Bok++】


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