LoveUnholyc: Real Time Dark Fantasy Otome Romance((愛邪惡、邪惡的愛情、러브언홀릭)的介紹與攻略【Jung Hi、Leo、Sol】(DAY8~DAY14)。
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P.S.【Jung Hi】、【Leo】、【Sol】攻略請至「此文」查看(往下拉就能看到)。
【Jung Hi】命運路線(DAY8~DAY14)攻略請至「此文」查看。
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Hi-Day 8
Hi-Day 8-故事模式
我覺得好像已經有伴侶了I think I already have a partner... 【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 8-故事模式
因為有點尷尬Since it's embarassing, I'll just smile.)【Hi↑】
應該不是在看我Oh~! I'm sure there not staring at me, right!!)【Leo↑】
不用道歉No need to be sorry. I was staring too.【Sol↑】
我才抱歉I'm also sorry for making you cry.【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 8-故事模式
好像是貓的名字Wasn't it some person named cat... 【Hi↑】
Sol從父親那繼承了Since Sol's father passed it down to you it must be your father!【Sol↑】
是ClaudeIt was Claude!!【Leo↑】
我記得是Sujee... I remember. You're talking about Sujee, right? 【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 8-08:23
Hi-Day 8-11:19
Hi-Day 8-15:07
Hi-Day 8-19:32
謝謝你們邀請我Thanks for inviting me! lol【Leo↑】
Hi的手速真快Hi has really fast hands!【Hi↑】
Leo還是很會說話Leo does have a way with words. lol【Leo↑】
你們剛開始碰到我的時候You felt excitement meeting me for the first time?【Hi↑】
你們也得注意You also have to look out for yourselves!【Hi↑】
我不希望你們I don't want to see any of you in danger...【Sol↑】
我會盡力幫助你們Okay, I'll try my best since you're all helping!【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 8-21:46
你對我來說比SujeeYou are more of a danger to me than Sujee!【Hi↑】
我更擔心SujeeI'm more worried about Sujee.【Hi↑】
雖然很害怕I'm scared but I'm okay since all of you are here.【Sol↑】
你的行程真的Is your schedule really okay?【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 8-23:25
因為太想你It was hard because I missed you so much.【Hi↑】
Liam看來他們三個有話Liam, these three must have some business with you?【Hi↑】
我和你們一樣一直I've been waiting for this moment as much as all of you.【Hi↑】
快點讓我心情變好Hurry up and make me feel good.【Sol↑】
有點累了Yeah, I'm a but tired.【Hi↑】
我不喜歡看你難受No, I don't like seeing you get hurt.【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 9
Hi-Day 9-01:01
怎麼還沒睡Why aren't you sleeping?【Hi↑】
我喜歡勇敢的男人I like brave men, Hi.【Hi↑】
真的只是去看電影What kind of movie?【Hi↑】
不是恐怖片都可以Anything but horror!!【Hi↑】
好像也只會看著你I think I'll end up just watching you too.【Hi↑】
Hi也要遵守約定Of course! You better keep your promise too~!【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 9-07:20
現在起床啦I'm awke rght now!!【Hi↑】
大家都好早起All of you are up early!【Sol↑】
答錯了Wrong. I slept like a baby.【Leo↑】
現在連我的想法Now you're reading my mind... Hi... You're too scary...【Hi↑】
如果是危險的事Leo, if it's too dangerous then don't do it. I don't want to see you in danger.【Hi↑】
如果這是你為了我I'm thankful if you're doing this for me. I'm worried for you but I'll hope for the best.【Leo↑】
千萬要小心Leo, be careful.【Leo↑】
請不要受傷Sol, don't get hurt.【Sol↑】
Hi-Day 9-09:32
你要抓走我嗎An agent... Are you hear to capture me?【Hi↑】
想和你一起做的事太多I have so many things I want to do with you, I don't know what to pick...!【Hi↑】
去有你喜歡的音樂 place where it has your favorite music and my favorite game?【Hi↑】
直可惜遊戲館A shame T_T The arcade... That would have been fun...【Hi↑】
Hi的車嗎Hi's car??【Hi↑】
好像在拍間諜電影It's like a spy movie~! lol【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 9-11:49
Sol的指示... Sol gave orders?【Sol↑】
喜歡蘸在醬汁裡吃I like dipping it in the sauce!【Hi↑】
讓你們參考一下Liam and Sol's personality is similar so just keep that in mind.【Sol↑】
謝謝你們Thank you.【Sol↑】
Hi-Day 9-13:11
我現在有空I'm not busy right now.【Hi↑】
Sol有事的話If Sol asks me for some time, then I'm going to make time!【Sol↑】
鞋店的奶奶If it's the grandmother from the shoe store... Is it that her?【Hi↑】
Sol和Ripeato還好嗎Is Sol and Ripeato okay? Is anyone hurt?【Sol↑】
我們應該要把變數Sould we try to minimize the the variables?【Hi↑】
我才意識到Ah, I just realized... I can hear scratching noises outside my door.【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 9-15:28
我也很擔心你I was also worried about you.【Leo↑】
我相信LeoI'm sure Leo did good!【Hi↑】
我只要知道你As long as I know you're safe, that's enough.【Hi↑】
你還要跟很多Do you still have to meet with a lot of Unholycs?【Leo↑】
果然是為了我Looks like you've been given a difficult job all for me, Leo...【Leo↑】
我也要對EaterI sould try to look into Eater as well.【Sol↑】
Hi-Day 9-17:12
粉絲見面會Whoa! A fan meeting?【Hi↑】
我也想要I want to buy Hi's merchandise too...!【Sol↑】
Hi在國外Is Hi really that popular abroad?【Hi↑】
不管丟到哪都不死He won't die no matter where you put him... Sol, is Hi your... god?【Sol↑】
字很普通Not really...? My handwriting is pretty normal.【Hi↑】
字還不錯Hmph~ My handwriting is actually really good!【Sol↑】
字非常醜Ah... Mine's is horrible...!【Leo↑】
比預期還好Hi! It's better than I expected!【Hi↑】
看來下了很多功夫It's fancy and it looks like he put in a lot of effort!【Leo↑】
像董事長的簽名Sol! It looks like the signature of a chairman!【Sol↑】
Hi-Day 9-19:04
Hi-Day 9-20:43
如果你有煩惱的話If you have a problem, then I am always willing to hear you out!【Hi↑】
會穿得很漂亮I'll dress up so don't worry lol【Hi↑】
會隨便穿出門I'll just wear whatever's comfortable then!【Hi↑】
隨便穿就行了So I can just wear whatever I want, right?【Hi↑】
你要穿什麼What are you going to wear?【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 9-22:09
Hi就算臉都遮住了You still look handsome covered up...【Hi↑】
難道你有過很多Did you have a lot of experience going on dates like this?【Hi↑】
因我討厭恐怖電影I detest horror movies so it was whatever.【Hi↑】
若是跟Hi出門的話If it's with you, then I think I'd always have fun even if we didn't go anywhere nice.【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 9-23:53
不用覺得對不起我You don't have to be sorry. I'm proud that you're an idol.【Hi↑】
我不可能都擅長Well, I can't be good at everything...【Hi↑】
偶像真的很厲害Idols are really amazing!【Hi↑】
快點療吧Hurry up and treat me, Hi...【Hi↑】
醫院費由男友付My boyfriend is going to pay for my medicine bill.【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 10
Hi-Day 10-02:14
你也平安到家了嗎Did you get home safe?【Hi↑】
我一直都在I'm always by your side...【Hi↑】
喜歡Yeah, it's okay.【Hi↑】
我喜歡你這一面To be honest... I like that about you.【Hi↑】
我想繼續聊天I want to keep chatting with you...【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 10-07:56
非常愉快It was so fun~!【Hi↑】
什麼不算槽What do you mean not bad? He's so handsome!【Hi↑】
不好意思說太詳細It's too embarassing to tell you in detail...【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 10-09:32
你哪裡不舒服Hi?! Are you sick??
優秀大人須要克服An amazing adult must overcome that.【Hi↑】
在說什麼呢I'm already yours so what are you saying?【Hi↑】
也想去粉絲簽名會A fan signing event...! I want to go to...!【Hi↑】
如果興奮了Since you are a professional, I'm sure you'll calm yourself and do fine.【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 10-10:59
是Hi的朋友們To think I get to meet Hi's friends! Nice to meet you!【Hi↑】
你的問題問錯了Your question was wrong. Your Hi? Hi is mine.【Hi↑】
所以這不是Hi的意思Hahaha so this wasn't Hi's doing.【Hi↑】
如果跟Hi有關If it's for Hi, then I'll hear you out.【Hi↑】
你們是因為擔心HiYou contacted me because you were worried for Hi, right?【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 10-12:00
我不認識I don't know who that person is.【Hi↑】
我為什麼要回答Why do I have to answer?【Hi↑】
你問這些想做什麼Why do you want to know that?【Hi↑】
你問這麼多私人問題How rude of you to ask such a personal question.【Hi↑】
為什麼非得要回答Why do I have to answer that?【Hi↑】
是記者嗎Are you a reporter?【Hi↑】
絕不可能I'm never telling.【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 10-13:41
居然連Sol都罵To think he could scold even Sol, my butler is amazing...!【Sol↑】
你真的很喜歡貓咪You must really like that cat?【Sol↑】
Leo沒事的I'm sure Leo is doing good. Don't worry about him.【Hi↑】
我來聯絡看看Should I get in touch with him?【Leo↑】
為什麼害怕LeoWhy are they scared of Leo?【Leo↑】
為什麼害怕HiWhy are they scared of Hi?【Hi↑】
知道了Okay. I will.【Sol↑】
Leo要多跟我們聯絡Leo, keep us in the loop. I'm worried about you!【Leo↑】
Hi-Day 10-14:23
怎麼了嗎What's wrong, Aiden?【Hi↑】
我不常上網No, not really. I'm too busy playing games.【Hi↑】
你們兩個看起來The both of you seem like really good friends.【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 10-15:00
Hi怎麼了Hi, did something happen?【Hi↑】
對不起... I'm sorry for causing Hi so much trouble.【Hi↑】
其實有個像是記者的人... To be honest, a reporter contacted me.【Sol↑】
Hi-Day 10-17:49
是Hi的老闆嗎If you're Ted.. then are you Hi's boss?【Hi↑】
我比任何人喜歡HiI like him more than anyone.【Hi↑】
你跟Hi認識很久... You must have known Hi for a long time?【Hi↑】
是Hi的養父嗎Are you his foster father?【Hi↑】
Hi反而因為太熟練On the contrary... Hi has been too good to a fault?【Hi↑】
你真的是Hi的父母You really are Hi's parent...!【Hi↑】
放心交給我You can leave it to me, Father!【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 10-19:21
我也沒見過他No, I haven't seen him yet!【Hi↑】
以前也有類似的事情Something similiar happened last time... There is a place he went to.【Hi↑】
他大概在來找我的路上I think Hi might be coming to me.【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 10-21:53
不同世界A different world? The both of us exist in this world together.【Hi↑】
我什麼事都沒有Hi, I'm really okay. So don't be so sad.【Hi↑】
我並沒有懦弱I'm not that weak where I would be afraid of something that hasn't happened yet.【Hi↑】
自私有什麼不對What's wrong with being selfish? Whatever the reason may be, it's important to worry about the people around you.【Hi↑】
若你不信就別相信If you don't want to believe in me, then don't. My feelings for you won't change.【Hi↑】
若希望我回答不討厭你If you wanted me to say I didn't hate you, you could have just asked me normally.【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 10-23:13
餅乾在哪裡買的Where did you get this snack?【Hi↑】
Hi又沒做什麼Just when have you even hit Hi!【Hi↑】
那樣說的話Then you'd have to hit me for making Hi sad...【Leo↑】
想治好HiI want to help fix Hi.【Hi↑】
當然Of course.【Leo↑】
取決於HiThat depends on Hi.【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 11
Hi-Day 11-08:19
早安Good morning~【Hi↑】
Hi哭了嗎Hi cried?【Hi↑】
我沒能好好安慰HiI couldn't comfort Hi properly.【Hi↑】
很抱歉帶來困擾I'm sorry that this is bothering you all.【Hi↑】
在大白天這麼多人During the daytime when are are a lot of people?【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 11-09:11
我要去見HiYeah, I'm going to see Hi.【Hi↑】
別罵我的HiDon't badmouth my Hi!【Hi↑】
Comical Ending(搞笑結局):Leo好感度高時解鎖。
Hi-Day 11-11:23
我很擔心HiI'm worried that Hi could be looking for me.【Hi↑】
你還能改變長相You... can change how you look?【Hi↑】
不對,我在想什麼No, what am I thinking...! Hi and Eater are two different people!【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 11-13:02
Hi救了我嗎Did Hi save me?【Hi↑】
看來你和Hi一起You must have gotten closer with Hi, after being together?【Hi↑】
沒有什麼需要的I don't need anything.. Tell Hi that I'm thankful.【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 11-14:37
Hi-Day 11-16:21
想起了時光倒流前I was thinking back on a day before time was reversed.【Hi↑】
即使這麼痛我還是喜歡Seeing that I still like it even though it hurts... It must mean Hi and I are meant to be.【Hi↑】
如果一個人太完美Isn't someone who is too perfect not as cool?【Hi↑】
你想殺了我嗎Are you trying to kill me?【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 11-19:46
如果跟你聊聊後I think I'll get better if I get to chat with you!【Leo↑】
Hi也沒做錯什麼Hi didn't do anything wrong. 【Hi↑】
我也覺得是Hi的錯... I also think it's Hi's fault. 【Hi↑】
我會再跟Hi聊聊Of course. I'll talk to Hi. 【Hi↑】
謝謝你們著想Thank you keeping me in your thoughts, Leo. Sol.【Sol↑】
Hi-Day 11-22:38
可以Yes, I'm free.【Hi↑】
你跟Hi一起來Did you come with Hi?【Hi↑】
Hi有個好父親Hi has a really good father.【Hi↑】
真的能對Hi發火Can I really get angry at Hi?【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 11-22:57
想見HiI want to see Hi.【Hi↑】
擁抱Hi(Hug him back.)【Hi↑】
你是很壞的傻瓜You are a really stupid and bad person.【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 11-23:31
不管什麼原因No matter the reason, a person who reverses an adoptation is horrible!【Hi↑】
慢慢深呼吸Hi, slowly breath in and out.【Hi↑】
不帥氣的你我也喜歡I still like you even if you're not cool. Since a lame Hi is still Hi.【Hi↑】
雖然不知道答案是麼Even if we don't know the answer, I'll be by your side until you find out.【Hi↑】
我知道了Alright, okay.【Hi↑】
想知道眼淚的味道Yeah, I want to know how Hi's tears taste like.【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 12
Hi-Day 12-02:34
你以為現在幾點了Do you know what time it is, kid?【Hi↑】
我也睡不著I also couldn't sleep because I missed you so much.【Hi↑】
別再說對不起了You can stop saying you're sorry now.【Hi↑】
我也愛你I love you too, Hi.【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 12-07:02
早安Good morning, Hi!【Hi↑】
Leo謝謝Thanks, Leo. It's thanks to you.【Leo↑】
對不起I'm sorry for making you both worry when you are all so busy.【Sol↑】
蛋糕給SolSince it's a cake for Sol, sports drinks for Leo?【Leo↑】
Leo應該會想要Leo, wouldn't you like a selfie of Hi?【Hi↑】
怎麼可能有人討厭How could anyone hate Leo?!【Hi↑】
Peipei是誰Who is Peipei?【Sol↑】
Hi-Day 12-07:59
Hi-Day 12-09:47
我在做該做I'm doing things I have to do.【Hi↑】
我在休息中I'm taking a break.【Hi↑】
如果你覺得累If it's too hard for you, then you don't have to.【Hi↑】
Aiden也很替我著想So Aiden was doing it for me.【Hi↑】
聽說你在那個過程中I heard you went through a lot doing that. Thank you.【Hi↑】
現在我明白Now I know what you had to go through T_T【Hi↑】
如果當時我有意識If you were conscious, I would have hugged you.【Hi↑】
我當然相信你Of course I trust you, Hi.【Hi↑】
謝謝你這麼坦誠Thank you for being honest, Hi.【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 12-11:51
是Hi的朋友It's Hi's friend, Aiden!【Hi↑】
果然是頂級巨星Top stars sure are different!【Hi↑】
我也是這麼想的I think so too. It's not your fault.【Hi↑】
怎麼連朋友都認不出來Yeah. You should be able to recognize your friend.【Hi↑】
不管何時何地都很帥Hi... no matter the place or time, is always cool..!!【Hi↑】
看來是很私人It must be very personal? +_+【Hi↑】
真是妙招... That's a really good tip...!【Hi↑】
Comical Ending(搞笑結局):聊天室11:51選擇四個或更少的Hi選項時解鎖。
Hi-Day 12-13:54
Hi跑步也很厲害So Hi is a good runner too!【Hi↑】
我也喜歡遊樂園I like amusement parks too~!【Hi↑】
Sol喜歡去遊樂園Sol likes amusement parks?!【Sol↑】
Leo也喜歡去遊樂園Leo, do you like amusement parks too?【Leo↑】
我也想去遊樂園I want to go to an amusement park too~!【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 12-14:29
Hi-Day 12-16:48
很高興見到你們It's nice seeing the both of you like this~【Hi↑】
是指我們之間的關係Are you saying that we should have a more mature relationship?【Hi↑】
謝謝你支持我們Thank you for supporting us.【Hi↑】
我不希望Hi因為我I don't want Hi to stop being an idol because of me...!【Hi↑】
當然可以Of course. I will think it over as well.【Hi↑】
因為是重要的事It's important so let's discuss it seriously together later.【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 12-18:02
現在有點忙I was a bit busy.【Leo↑】
正在放鬆中I was just chilling.【Leo↑】
有什麼我能幫忙Leo, is there any way I can help?【Leo↑】
Unholycs們告訴你The Unholycs gave you that information?【Leo↑】
你們都這麼努力Since all of you are working so hard, I'm not going to go down easy!【Hi↑】
Leo說得對Leo's right. That's why we need to treasue the time we have right now.【Sol↑】
Hi-Day 12-20:24
看來是Hi啊It must be Hi!【Hi↑】
已經這麼晚了It's getting late so sleep here... You can do it tomorrow.【Sol↑】
Hi那裡面Hi, the things inside that bag... Is it the things I'm thinking about?【Hi↑】
那個Hi難道開關Hey... Hi... Did... you turn something on...?【Hi↑】
我不喜歡只有我開心I don't like being the only one feeling good. You should feel good too.【Hi↑】
好像有些意猶未盡Somehow... I can still feel it lingering...【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 12-23:59
Hi-Day 13
Hi-Day 13-09:28
我也很早起I woke up early too! Leo, good morning!【Leo↑】
昨天見面的UnholycWhat kind of people was the Unholyc you met yesterday?【Leo↑】
Sol你晚上都和什麼樣人Sol, what kind of people do you deal with at night?【Sol↑】
聲音是有點像Well, they do sound similar.【Hi↑】
當然Of course. I'd be grateful if you did.【Leo↑】
我已經很感謝你了I'm already so grateful. You don't need to.【Hi↑】
不會有事的I'm sure nothing is going to happen. We'll still be together after tomorrow.【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 13-12:03
Sol發生什麼了Did something happen to Sol?【Sol↑】
Sol還好嗎Is Sol okay?【Hi↑】
你們都還好嗎Are you all okay?【Sol↑】
如果警察也介入的話If the police are involved, then we might be able to help!【Leo↑】
他們已經完全They've been completely framed...【Sol↑】
你們都要加油Yeah, do your best to help out.【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 13-13:28
他假冒了HiCome to think of it, he impersonated Hi.【Hi↑】
Sol好像出事了Now that you mention it, something happened to Sol...!【Sol↑】
Hi-Day 13-15:31
多虧了HiI'm not as worried now thanks to you. Thank you!【Hi↑】
Leo也發生了什麼Did something happen to Leo as well?【Leo↑】
你應該去看看Then you should go see Claude!【Leo↑】
你為我做的夠多了Everything you've done for me has been more than enough. Just go!【Leo↑】
以防萬一... You never know so if you find anything suspicious then tell us.【Hi↑】
不過我還是有點不安You're right. I'm sure he'll see Leo do adorable things for years to come!【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 13-16:51
就算是這樣But there should be a way, right...?【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 13-18:23
我沒事I'm okay. How about you?【Hi↑】
Hi好像也很忙You seem busy. What are you doing?【Hi↑】
不過他們也不好欺負But those two aren't going to go down easily, so it's going to be fine!【Hi↑】
我也擔心HiI'm worried about you. I hope nothing happens to you...【Hi↑】
Comical Ending(搞笑結局):聊天室12:03選擇三個Sol選項時解鎖。
Hi-Day 13-19:41
低調是什麼意思What do you mean a low profile, Hi is here just to relax?【Hi↑】
我們也是那麼想We think the same while we're waiting to hear from them.【Hi↑】
你和Wonseock都沒事Nothing happened to you and Wonseock, right?【Hi↑】
我總覺得有點不安Something doesn't feel right... Aiden, I think it's better if you don't go.【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 13-21:09
怎麼說這麼令人難為情How could you say someting so shameful!【Hi↑】
Hi是因為阿克酶太滿了Hi, are you having a hard time because of all the acme?【Hi↑】
很抱歉讓你承擔這事I'm sorry for makin you carry all that burden on your own, Hi.【Hi↑】
因為我讓Hi的朋友們It's because... Hi's friends are all in danger because of me.【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 13-22:13
Hi-Day 13-23:36
還沒到睡覺時間It's not yet time for me to sleep yet.【Hi↑】
比起我更擔心你I'm more worried for you then myself.【Hi↑】
若你們有人出事的話If one of you gets hurt, then I don't think I could live on...【Hi↑】
我絕不會離開你的I will never leave you.【Hi↑】
一直都有和你一樣想法I'm always thinking the same as you.【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 14
Hi-Day 14-03:01
Hi-Day 14-08:07
我已經起來了It's okay. I also woke up early.【Hi↑】
Hi的想法也有道理You could be right.【Hi↑】
Hi的身體不舒服嗎Are you not feeling well? Is that why you couldn't sleep?【Hi↑】
有什麼原因Is there a reason you can't come in?【Hi↑】
如果你是因為做錯什麼If you're getting punished for doing something wrong, then I should be punished as well.【Hi↑】
我會按照你說的做Okay, I'll listen to you.【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 14-09:00
Hi-Day 14-11:49
你那裡也沒事吧Hi! Is everything alright with you?【Hi↑】
不管怎樣那時也都也成功Yeah, since things worked out back then too.【Hi↑】
Hi是為了我而改變的吧But you changed for me, right? How could I hate that.【Hi↑】
我很強壯的I'm strong enough. I'll become stronger so you wouldn't be able to hurt me.【Hi↑】
我也從Hi得到很多And so many of your words have provided me with so much comfort.【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 14-13:00
Hi-Day 14-14:56
我已經做過一次了Since I already did it once, I don't have to do it again, right?【Hi↑】
我想和你一起度過Until the last moment, even if it's not much I want to enjoy the time I have left with you.【Hi↑】
如果你咬他的右手If you bite his right hand then I'll bite his left hand.【Hi↑】
當然了Of course, Hi. Come in.【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 14-16:00
Hi-Day 14-17:46
你現在在哪裡Where are you right now?【Hi↑】
沒想到你的樣子I didn't expect you to change that much.【Hi↑】
沒有Hi我已活不下去I can't live without you anyway.【Hi↑】
我不害怕I'm not scared. Since you're here.【Hi↑】
能和你一起走到最後I'm happy that I got to be with you until the very end.【Hi↑】
一起去吧Yeah, let's go together.【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 14-18:02
讓我走在前面Hi, let me stay in front.【Hi↑】
Hi-Day 14-18:30
我覺得Hi的微笑好看That your smile is so beautiful.【Hi↑】
根據現在的情況I don't think I can follow those rules depending on the situation...【Hi↑】
沒想到你會拐著彎說I didn't expect you to say that you "wanted to do it".【Hi↑】
如果今天真是最後一天Yeah. If today is really the last then I want to spend the night with you.【Hi↑】
不用太小心翼翼You don't have to treat me so carefully.【Hi↑】
Dark Ending(黑暗結局):錯過70%或更多聊天室(不含故事模式)時解鎖。
Hi-Day 14-19:00
Normal Ending(一般結局):Hi好感度高時解鎖。
Happy Ending(幸福結局):Hi好感度極高時解鎖(不錯過任何聊天室,專注增加Hi的好感度)。
Leo-Day 8
Leo-Day 8-故事模式
我們不是已經聊過Haven't we had this conversation already?【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 8-故事模式
好像在哪裡見過I think⋯I've seen them before! What is going on⋯?【Leo↑】
為什麼這樣看我⋯Why are you all looking at me like that?【Leo↑】
謝謝你Thank you..!【Hi↑】
我也很喜歡你們I like you guys as well!【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 8-故事模式
這是怎麼回事Yeah⋯! What is going on!【Leo↑】
我們可以做得更好e can do better this time around!【Leo↑】
我相信LeoYeah, I believe in Leo!【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 8-10:02
Leo-Day 8-12:23
Leo-Day 8-14:34
Leo-Day 8-15:51
很高興能再次相見I'm still excited that I got to meet all of you guys again!【Leo↑】
我也沒變My feelings for you are the same. I'm so happy that I got to reunite with all of you.【Leo↑】
謝謝你擔心我Thank you for looking out for me, Leo.【Leo↑】
我會照顧牠的Yeah, I will!【Leo↑】
我好擔心SujeeI'm worried about Sujee⋯【Leo↑】
想快點見到LeoI miss you Leo!【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 8-17:24
不要厚臉皮Don't call me like I'm your friend.【Leo↑】
到底在計畫什麼What are you scheming!【Leo↑】
大家要小心Be careful everyone⋯!【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 8-18:43
我吃了I ate! What about you, Leo?【Leo↑】
你玩了什麼What game do you play?【Leo↑】
Sol這麼說的話If Sol says he does, then I guess he's telling the truth!【Sol↑】
如果你不馬上回答If you don't answer right away, Sol is probably going to get angry at you.【Sol↑】
成人遊戲Adult games⋯?【Hi↑】
我玩主機遊戲I'm a fan of the console games haha【Leo↑】
我會等你們I'll be waiting.【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 8-20:21
Leo才不是油膩Leo isn't being cheesy, he's been nice!【Leo↑】
我替William剛才的行為Leo, I'm sorry for William acting up just now.【Leo↑】
他們看起來很忙They seem pretty busy, are you sure you should be staying here Leo?【Leo↑】
你想再確認看看Do you want to check?【Leo↑】
因為我也想要留下I want to make sure we keep this for memory sake.【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 8-23:11
我還沒睡著Yeah, I haven't fallen asleep yet.【Leo↑】
不需要抱歉Don't be sorry. We have another shot!【Leo↑】
我知道你想聽什麼I know what you want to hear but⋯can you give me some time?【Leo↑】
我很期待I'm looking forward to spending more time with you!【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 9
Leo-Day 9-08:31
雖然不知道是誰I don't know who it is but I'll get him for you!【Leo↑】
他是誰呀James Rogers? Who's that?【Leo↑】
如果Leo比現在更有魅力If Leo gets even more attractive than he already is, the rest of the guys on the planet would be sad⋯【Leo↑】
我不光想看Leo性感風格I do want to see you do something else other than being sexy⋯【Leo↑】
危機就是轉機I've heard that every crisis is an opportunity in disguise! Maybe you can take this time to improve yourself?【Leo↑】
肯定很討厭吧Arg⋯that really sounds tough..T^T【Sol↑】
Leo加油Leo, you can do it! Break a leg!!【Hi↑】
不管別人說什麼Just remember that no matter what, you're the best! Don't forget that!【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 9-10:26
可以帶一些給Leo嗎Can I bring some to Leo?【Leo↑】
我會小心的Alright! I'll be careful!【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 9-12:02
我看不見了Ah! I can't see⋯!【Leo↑】
但也有可能會摔倒but I had to becuase he might have fallen.【Leo↑】
你認錯人了You've got the wrong person.【Leo↑】
難道是Leo的同事Are you⋯the coworker of Leo? That James Rogers??【Leo↑】
雖然我還沒完全想起來I don't exactly remember but he says he's my childhood friend.【Leo↑】
Pierce送來了蛋糕Pierce brought me a cake⋯it's actually from Shallotte⋯but it looked good so⋯【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 9-13:45
我有點忙先走了I'm sorry but I'm a bit busy!【Leo↑】
當朋友沒有問題I don't mind being friends!【Leo↑】
你們關係很好So you guys are really close⋯【Leo↑】
我沒關係I'm alright, Leo. Go and do you shoot!【Leo↑】
祝你拍攝順利Leo, good luck on your shoot⋯I'll see you tonight.【Leo↑】
Comical Ending(搞笑結局):聊天室13:45選擇二個或更少的Leo選項時解鎖。
Leo-Day 9-15:20
因為Leo在忙Leo was busy so James took me home instead.【Leo↑】
不過我有多少重來的機會No matter how many times I do this, Leo is the only one for me!【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 9-16:51
Liam叫你毛頭小子William called you a greenhorn Roger lol【Leo↑】
Leo很活躍嗎Just when Leo was able to show his talent in modeling! It's a shame I didn't get to see it T^T【Leo↑】
謝謝你Hahaha thank you.【Leo↑】
你好像有話癆的氣質You sound like an excessive talker if you ask me.【Leo↑】
我覺得喜歡的人I think it's a miracle to be loved by someone who cares for you.【Leo↑】
雖然沒有特別喜歡草莓I don't like them anymore but I have some time.【Leo↑】
你記憶力好像很好Since it seems like you've got a great memory, I wanted to ask you⋯【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 9-18:26
沒辦法和你待在一起而遺憾Yeah, I also wanted to be with you T^T【Leo↑】
能幫Leo我也很高興I'm happy that I could be of help to you Leo!【Leo↑】
約會很棒I don't mind going on a date with you but I have plans tomorrow without someone else.【Leo↑】
我該取消那個約會嗎T^T should I cancel the appointment for you?【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 9-20:58
先聽好消息Good news!【Hi↑】
先聽壞消息I would rather hear the bad one first.【Leo↑】
為了打聽這些事You must have pulled a lot of strings to get all that, Sol⋯good job.【Sol↑】
不要太勉強自己Leo..don't push yourself.【Leo↑】
那Hi呢What about Hi? Does Hi have a mission⋯!【Hi↑】
看照片就能猜出來嗎How did you figure that out just by looking at the picture?【Sol↑】
Leo想炫耀的重點That's not what Leo was trying to show you.【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 9-21:34
Leo-Day 9-23:27
不會No, I want you to fill me up even more.【Leo↑】
其實除了和我在一起You must regret a lot of other things, not just the time you spend with me⋯【Leo↑】
不要太勉強自己Don't be too hard on yourself. You've got things to do tomorrow as well⋯【Sol↑】
謝謝你說我是最優先Thank you for saying that but please don't give up on your work.【Leo↑】
我喜歡認真工作I love the way you work so keep it up!【Hi↑】
我更擔心你的安全Leo, I'm more worried about you and your safety.【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 10
Leo-Day 10-01:56
Leo-Day 10-09:12
Sol早安Sol, good morning. Have you had breakfast already?【Sol↑】
原來Sol是Ted大叔hahahah So Sol is Ted's consultant?【Hi↑】
Leo今天還沒出現⋯How come Leo isn't talking today?【Leo↑】
Leo真的很擅長運動Leo is really good at sports, isn't he?【Leo↑】
Leo怎沒成為運動員Why did Leo become a model when he could have become a athelete?【Hi↑】
Leo沒事就好了No, I'm fine as long as you're okay.【Leo↑】
Leo也打過架嗎Leo used to fight?【Leo↑】
Babe和Siu很壞嗎Were Babe and Siu bad people?【Sol↑】
是誰贏了So who won?【Hi↑】
打了多久How long did they fight?【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 10-11:41
我一直都是對的I'm always right, Leo.【Leo↑】
什麼事What? About what??【Hi↑】
好奇結果I want to know how it went!【Hi↑】
Leo的心情才重要I care more about your emotions. How do you feel?【Leo↑】
Leo是最帥的I think you're more handsome⋯!【Leo↑】
James也是UnholycJames is an Unholyc. Don't try to compete against him.【Sol↑】
我今天有約I have an appointment today.【Leo↑】
我不在的時候Don't tease Leo too much while I'm gone~!【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 10-13:00
我期待吃到好吃的I'm looking forward to eating something delicious hahaha【Leo↑】
經歷了很多波折There's been a lot of ups and downs hahaha【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 10-14:34
Shallotte已經變成了Shallotte has become an amazing Unholyc!【Leo↑】
你真的沒事吧Are you really okay?【Leo↑】
轉頭Turn around.【Leo↑】
不知道為什麼有點在意⋯It's just bothering me. I think I might know that person.【Leo↑】
他的溫柔和真誠I love the fact that he's friendly and sincere.【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 10-15:55
是我們認識的人嗎Is it someone we know?【Leo↑】
怎麼不跟我說Why didn't you tell me right then and there? I didn't even get to say hello⋯【Leo↑】
這就是他的魅力But that's his charm.【Leo↑】
你問這個我們就得That's what I've been saying all along. Hahaha【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 10-17:54
Leo怎麼了Did something happen to Leo?【Leo↑】
Sol怎麼了What's going on with Sol?【Sol↑】
Leo當時跟我在一起Leo was with me.【Leo↑】
Sol不能做點什麼嗎Sol, can't you do something about it?【Sol↑】
如果是Hi的話How would you approach a problem like this, Hi?【Hi↑】
跟哥哥的關係不好嗎⋯Are you not close with your brother?【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 10-19:22
不要擔心Do't worry. Leo will definitely succeed.【Leo↑】
有你們用心照顧With you looking out for Leo like this, I believe Leo will recover very soon!【Leo↑】
當然Of course I will!【Sol↑】
這是個好主意That's a great idea!【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 10-20:03
Leo-Day 10-22:25
叫Leo來解決(Call Leo over to resolve the crisis.)【Leo↑】
James別挑釁LeoJames, don't taunt Leo!【Leo↑】
我在等Leowaiting for you Leo.【Leo↑】
Leo多虧你來Leo, it's all thanks to you coming here that nothing happened. Thank you.【Leo↑】
我永遠會選擇LeoI'll always choose Leo.【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 10-23:56
運動神經好的LeoSo even Leo gets hurt even though he's so athletic.【Leo↑】
有什麼想說的嗎Do you have something to say?【Leo↑】
Leo慢慢來就好Leo, just take it slow. We've got a lot of time.【Leo↑】
你家人應該老實說Your family members should have been honest with you.【Leo↑】
我看到你的瞬間When I saw you, my might just went blank.【Leo↑】
我更喜歡你No, I like you much more than that.【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 11
Leo-Day 11-02:43
Leo-Day 11-10:24
雖然沒有聯絡Though he didn't say anything, I'm sure he's okay.【Leo↑】
我整晚都在等你Leo⋯! I've been wanting to see you the whole night⋯!【Leo↑】
這麼說好人害全羞Ah, Leo⋯you're embarrassing me⋯【Leo↑】
你指得是什麼Huh? Breakthrough? What do you mean?【Sol↑】
這麼厲害嗎Is Claude that amazing?【Leo↑】
好像很匆忙...He seemed to be in a hurry⋯【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 11-11:59
當然Of course, what about you Leo?【Leo↑】
我吃飽了Yeah, I have.【Leo↑】
我也躺著I'm also lying down! Rolling to and fro~【Leo↑】
我正坐著I'm sitting down. I have something to do.【Leo↑】
能坐下就好了I wish I could sit down T^T my lets hurt...!【Leo↑】
我的心也一直My heart is always with you too Leo ><!【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 11-13:21
Leo-Day 11-15:03
讓我們來定義一下Let's define the meaning of being mature, Hi⋯【Sol↑】
有喜歡你原本樣子I like you the way you are Hi⋯!【Hi↑】
不管有多忙No matter how busy you are, you still need to eat!!【Sol↑】
現在沒有時間尷尬了Leo, there's no time to be embarrassed right now! You need to prove your innocence!【Leo↑】
全是Claude的錯Yeah, it's all Claude's fault.【Leo↑】
發生了什麼事What happened?【Hi↑】
Leo的安全更重要I'm more worried about you and your safety.【Leo↑】
期待看到Claude怎麼做I'm looking forward to seeing Claude in action⋯!【Hi↑】
Claude是牙醫嗎Is Claude a dentist?【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 11-15:31
Leo-Day 11-16:45
你說得好像You make it sound as if we've already solved the issue⋯?【Hi↑】
我也想做點什麼I want to do something from Claude as well⋯!【Leo↑】
怎麼可能I doubt that~! I'm sure you did a better job!【Leo↑】
他以為自己是誰Who does he think he is to lecture you like that~?【Leo↑】
Leo拍攝加油Leo, good luck on your next shoot! I hope you win!【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 11-18:56
很平安也很開心Yeah, I made it back home safely and I'm having a great time hh【Leo↑】
謝謝你替我著想Thank you for thinking of me. I'm serious about it.【Leo↑】
我不能跟你說I can't tell you that. You're his rival after all!【Leo↑】
關盛就會找到He'll find it soon. He'll be able to convince Dorian Gray.【Leo↑】
Leo在做的事⋯Leo was doing such a hard task?【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 11-19:43
不知道你在說什麼⋯What⋯I have no clue what you're talking about⋯;;【Leo↑】
因為沒有發生什麼As a result, nothing happened, so I didn't want to worry you.【Leo↑】
我只想要LeoI only love Leo!【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 11-20:52
什麼第四天Fourth day? What do you mean?【Leo↑】
好啊Yeah, alright. A date with Leo! This is exciting!【Leo↑】
我其實I've never actually been on a date before...!【Leo↑】
Leo你好厲害Leo, can you tell me more about the day you filmed with James?【Leo↑】
現在是嫉妒嗎Is that... are you jealous?【Leo↑】
啊,對啊Oh, right! We need to take a selfie!【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 11-23:16
Leo-Day 12
Leo-Day 12-01:59
Leo你還好嗎Leo...! Are you okay? I was worried about you...【Leo↑】
別想矇混過關Don't try to fool around. Are you sure you're okay?【Leo↑】
其實我也是一整天在等你Actually, I've also been waiting for your call all day long.【Leo↑】
晚安LeoGood night, Leo! Have a sweet dream~【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 12-09:21
Leo-Day 12-11:38
是不是早餐吃了Did you eat something good for breakfast?【Sol↑】
別告訴我還附帶壞消息Don't tell me it comes with a bad news as well⋯?!【Hi↑】
Sol恭喜你Wow! Sol! Congratulations!! I'm sure you were really worried T^T【Sol↑】
Leo你冤望也洗清了Leo, you're also cleared of your charges. What a relief!【Leo↑】
難道是因為不能獨佔哥哥Huh? Leo, are you jealous that you can't be with your brother all the time?【Leo↑】
若他像你們說得這麼厲害If he's so great as you guys say he is, what should we give him to thank him for his services?【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 12-13:54
真的還沒說嗎Lol you really didn't tell him yet?【Leo↑】
起雞皮疙瘩了Wow⋯I'm getting goosebumps⋯you were right⋯!【Hi↑】
若眼前有那麼大的事I also do that when I've got something too big for me to handle⋯【Leo↑】
你需要直接面對挑戰You need to face the challenge head on, Leo!【Sol↑】
你哥哥好純樸Your brother is so frugal⋯【Hi↑】
看Leo的反應Judging from Leo's reaction, it seems like there's more to it than meets the eye⋯?【Leo↑】
Leo也有害怕的事So even the mighty Leo is afraid of something..【Leo↑】
大家待會再聊I'll talk to you guys later lol!【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 12-15:22
Leo-Day 12-17:02
攝影師你好Ah! Photographer Seojoon⋯! Hello!【Leo↑】
我知道你是較老實的人Hahaha I know that you're quite the traditionalist.【Leo↑】
先聽聽再決定I'll hear what you have to say and then decide for myself.【Leo↑】
我不能代表Leo⋯I can't speak for Leo but James and I are just friends.【Leo↑】
如果是現在的LeoIf it's the Leo in his current state, he'll be able to showcase his mystical charm better than anyone I know.【Leo↑】
不用客氣Don't mention it. I'm rooting for them both and I hope that they both succeed.【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 12-18:43
也是因為黑色安息日嗎Huh? Is that also a sign of the Black Sabboth?【Leo↑】
應該很帥吧You must have been extremely good⋯! I want to see as well T^T【Leo↑】
不是所有人Not all Unholycs are immortal. Some choose a different life.【Leo↑】
如果沒有親眼看到或聽到We won't be able to know for sure since we haven't heard his perspective on the matter.【Leo↑】
我也會為你加油Likewise. I'll always work hard for you.【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 12-19:27
Sol會跟朋友吵架啊Does Sol even fight with his friends in the first place?【Hi↑】
若Sol問我們這問題If Sol is asking us this question, it must be serious.【Sol↑】
天啊What T^T Maybe something really did happen?【Leo↑】
不會有事的It's fine. I'm sure nothing happened!【Sol↑】
雖然是第二次It's my second time but I'm still so nervous⋯!【Leo↑】
就算Leo沒做到也不會失望Even if you can't pull it off, I won't be disappointed so don't worry.【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 12-21:29
我相信他會成功I believe Leo can do it.【Leo↑】
還是希望Leo不要受傷But still⋯I don't want Leo to get hurt⋯【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 12-23:14
Leo-Day 12-23:59
Leo-Day 13
Leo-Day 13-02:37
我睡了Yeah, I was sleeping⋯【Leo↑】
他沒有來Leo? No, he dien't come.【Leo↑】
發生什麼事了Did something happen to Leo?【Leo↑】
說不定走了很遠he might have. He's quite atheletic.【Leo↑】
嗯Yeah, I will!【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 13-04:29
Leo-Day 13-09:18
身體變小也很可愛You look cute when you're small so it's okay.【Hi↑】
Leo-Day 13-11:06
那不叫睡著I wouldn't call that sleeping, you practically collapsed⋯?【Hi↑】
Leo淩晨有傳訊息Leo texted me at dawn.【Leo↑】
是有點擔心No, I was just worried. Are you all right?【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 13-13:28
確正真的是LeoMake sure it's really Leo.【Leo↑】
Leo你做到了Leo, you did it...!!【Leo↑】
晚上做了什麼What did you do last night? And where were you?!【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 13-14:51
看起來有點不吉利Somehow it looks ominous⋯【Leo↑】
比起永生他選了愛情Isn't it wonderful to choose love over eternal life?【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 13-16:27
Leo在這裡That's right. Leo's here.【Leo↑】
Agni也在這裡Yeah, Agni's here, too.【Leo↑】
Leo確實很大擔Leo is pretty ballsy after all. He's amazing!【Leo↑】
Leo一定很痛苦⋯Leo must have been in a lot of pain.【Leo↑】
啊,我知道Oh, I know! James, thank you so much.【Leo↑】
對不起I'm sorry, but I've made up my mind, James.【Leo↑】
Comical Ending(搞笑結局):Leo好感度低時解鎖。
Leo-Day 13-17:53
還見到SolHuh? You didn't meet Sol?【Hi↑】
有和Leo碰面了Yes! I met up with Leo, Where are you, Hi?【Leo↑】
可能會有危險Hi! It might be dangerous so get out of there【Hi↑】
Leo-Day 13-19:29
擔心Hi和SolI'm worried about Hi and Sol.【Sol↑】
不知為何有種不安的感覺I'm worried because I feel anxious.【Leo↑】
你努力為了我想做些什麼The fact that you're trying so hard for me is good enough.【Leo↑】
如果真的是最後時刻If this is really our last moments together... I want to talk more with you more..【Leo↑】
能克服心理創傷太好了I'm glad you overcame your trauma.【Leo↑】
我也很喜歡你I really llike you, too. We're... we're on the same page.【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 13-21:21
我跟Leo在一起I'm with Leo.【Leo↑】
我感激有他在身邊I'm grateful to have him by my side.【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 13-23:48
站到Leo身前Walk in front of Leo.【Leo↑】
好像沒什麼可問I don't really have anything to ask him though⋯【Leo↑】
Liam都怎麼叫你Guess what William calls you.【Leo↑】
我也愛你I love you too, Leo! So please be careful!!【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 13-23:57
選擇我愛的人choose the one I love even if that makes me sad in the end.【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 14
Leo-Day 14-02:02
發生了很多事情A lot of things happened here⋯hh【Leo↑】
說什麼呢What do you mean you did nothing! Everything worked out thanks to you!【Leo↑】
也想跟Leo聊天I want to talk to Leo.【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 14-06:10
我睡得很好Yeah! I slept really well! I feel great!【Leo↑】
那不就只是想殺人That's just an impulse to kill⋯!【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 14-07:00
一定很累吧You must be tired T^T thank you!!【Hi↑】
謝謝你Thank you Hi⋯.I also want you to be happy.【Hi↑】
Hi對Leo來說You're really a great friend, Hi. Leo is lucky to have you.【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 14-11:19
你怎麼知道How did you know Hi reached out to me first?【Hi↑】
我在等待晚上到來Yeah, I'm just patiently waiting for tonight.【Sol↑】
沒關係It's okay. Leo did most of the work!【Leo↑】
對不起I'm sorry that you had to go through that because of me⋯!【Sol↑】
Leo-Day 14-13:54
以後也會一直是好友It's okay. We'll still be good friends from here on out!【Leo↑】
Comical Ending(搞笑結局):聊天室13:54未選擇Leo選項時解鎖。
Leo-Day 14-15:01
但他要我待在房間裡It's because he doesn't want me exposed to any kind of energy.【Leo↑】
Leo對我來說是唯一的Yeah. Leo is..the only one for me.【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 14-18:54
度過了美好的時生Yeah. It was amazing.【Leo↑】
Leo-Day 14-20:22
我準備好了Yeah! I'm ready!【Leo↑】
我不怕No, I'm not.【Leo↑】
Dark Ending(黑暗結局):錯過70%或更多聊天室(不含故事模式)時解鎖。
Normal Ending(一般結局):Leo好感度高時解鎖。
Happy Ending(幸福結局):Leo好感度極高時解鎖(不錯過任何聊天室,專注增加Leo的好感度)。
Sol-Day 8【命運路線】
Sol-Day 8-故事模式(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
還沒有伴侶嗎Don't I already have a partner?【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 8-故事模式(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
我做錯什麼了嗎Wh.. what? Did I do something wrong? Why are you staring at me?【Sol↑】
您怎麼知道是我How do you know my voice that well?【Leo↑】
總覺得有些熟悉A strangely... familiar feeling.【Sol↑】
就算每天身體Even if you're going to feel all hot and bothered everyday? You're still okay?【Hi↑】
雖然很感謝I'm thankful but...【Leo↑】
我是邪惡又危險I'll have you know I'm actually a very evil and dangerous Unholyc.【Sol↑】
大家都平安就好The only thing that matters is we're all safe!【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 8-故事模式(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
三個伴侶Three partners is at least better than four partners, right? Hahaha!【Sol↑】
不是從Ripeato的貓咪The senior of Ripeato, the cat.【Hi↑】
不是從Sol父親Your father.【Sol↑】
選Hi的I picked Hi's present.【Hi↑】
選Leo的I picked Leo's present.【Leo↑】
選Sol的I picked Sol's present.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 8-10:48(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
Sol-Day 8-12:37(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
Sol-Day 8-14:23(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
好久不見It's been too long!【Leo↑】
Hi都沒有變lol Hi still hasn't changed!【Hi↑】
謝謝你們Thank you all so much!【Sol↑】
為了我成為Being the best idol is for me??;;【Hi↑】
資本主義Hooray for capitalism...!!!【Hi↑】
Sol一早就這麼Sol is so diligent even in the morning.【Sol↑】
真的嗎Really? Can you show them?【Leo↑】
雖然我想看I want to see then, but I think Sol wouldn't like that...【Sol↑】
你在這邊說If you mention it here then it's not a secret anymore, right?【Leo↑】
我不會給你們看I'm not going to show you! Only for me!【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 8-16:56(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
我也有事情I also have something to tell you.【Sol↑】
我要做什麼What do I have to do? 【Sol↑】
即將到達傢伙That person who is arriving soon?【Sol↑】
謝謝你擔心我Thanks for worrying about me...【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 8-18:03(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
初次見面Nice meeting you. Look forward to getting to know you ^^【Sol↑】
終於想到要讓我Are you finally going to introduce me?【Sol↑】
請多關照I'm in your care, Peipei~【Sol↑】
看來Babe和Siu常常Babe and Siu must fight over this a lot?【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 8-20:35(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
看Hi的眼睛I looked into Hi's eyes.【Hi↑】
看Leo的眼睛I looked into Leo's eyes.【Leo↑】
看Sol的眼睛I looked into Sol's eyes.【Sol↑】
這次也請多關照Yeah. I'll be in your care.【Leo↑】
Sol怎麼這麼安靜Sol, why are you so quiet?【Sol↑】
問SolAsk Sol 【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 8-22:23(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
還沒,因為某人No. I can't sleep because I was thinking of someone.【Sol↑】
那當然Of course...! So you do have something to tell me in private? 【Sol↑】
關於Eater還有別的Is there any more news about Eater that you know about?【Sol↑】
有你在我不可能There's no reason for me to be anxious if Sol is here.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 8-23:41(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
Sol-Day 9【命運路線】
Sol-Day 9-06:13(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
再見Good-bye~!! Take care~!!【Sol↑】
你要去哪Where are you going! And leaving me!! T_T【Hi↑】
為什麼要去中國Why are you suddenly going to China?【Hi↑】
Peipei父親經營的品牌What's the brand that Peipei's father runs?【Sol↑】
你不是因為我才被迫... You're not being forced to go because of me, right?【Hi↑】
就是Leo說的那個The photographer who Leo said is like serving an ice king?【Sol↑】
那個人說我是LeoThat person, called me Leo's muse.【Leo↑】
Hi謝謝你Thanks, Hi. Hi, you be careful!【Hi↑】
有Sol在你不用擔心Don't worry about me since Sol is here!【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 9-08:28(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
你還是沒變You're full of energy, as usual, Babe!【Sol↑】
Sol這麼關心我Sol, does he care for me that much?【Sol↑】
在背後討論別人I don't like to talk about other people behind their back.【Sol↑】
她怎麼可怕了How is she scary?【Sol↑】
雖然解開了顧問It's satisfied my curiosity but she seems to be a bit scary.【Sol↑】
謝謝你的幫忙Yeah, thanks for helping me. And tell Sol thank you.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 9-10:47(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
你好Hi, you're Babe's younger brother, Siu right?【Sol↑】
天啊Gasp! Is it possible to take down someone with a pencil?【Sol↑】
有人說過你有點呆Siu, have you heard people call you sloppy?【Sol↑】
和Sol有關的故事Does it have to do with Sol?【Sol↑】
原來你們和Sol的緣分So that's how youre relationship with Sol started?【Sol↑】
是他們該打He deserved it!【Sol↑】
Sol應該明白I'm sure Sol knows how you feel right now.【Sol↑】
跟Sol有關的話題I'm glad to listen to any story about Sol.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 9-12:02(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
重要的事情Something important... About the price of the deal?【Sol↑】
我也想知道更多I also want to know more about you...【Sol↑】
關於我的事Sol hasn't said anything about me?【Sol↑】
好的Yeah, okay.【Sol↑】
路上小心Yeah, have a safe flight! Boss!【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 9-14:25(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
這個時間Sol來找我To think you'd visit me at this time! So happy...!【Sol↑】
不是因為想念我You didn't come because you missed me...?【Sol↑】
是的,老師Yes, teacher...【Sol↑】
通知你們兩個The both of you? Or just one of you?【Sol↑】
我要說的話You didn't listen to anything I said though!【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 9-16:19(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
Hi平安抵達中國Hi! Did you arrive safely in China?【Hi↑】
Sol年齡不過是數字Sol, age is just a number!【Hi↑】
➞Sol好像有時候會本能Lol it seems like romantic words come out like instinct for Sol.【Sol↑】
你們三個都當過兵Did the three of you go to the army?【Leo↑】
教招?那是什麼Reserve forces training? What's that?【Sol↑】
Peipei小姐是厲害的人Peipei seems like an amazing person...!【Sol↑】
你應該要忙著You must be busy with Peipei, Sol...【Sol↑】
Hi在中國也要好好享受Hi, enjoy your time in China~!【Hi↑】
Leo不要太勉強Leo, don't push yourself and be careful in training~!【Leo↑】
Sol-Day 9-18:52(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
這跟妳要說的事Does this have anything to do with that?【Sol↑】
Shallote快點重點...... Shallote. Just get to the point...【Sol↑】
我選了SolI picked Sol.【Sol↑】
他每天就只是叫我... All he does is tell me to be careful everyday.【Sol↑】
不用了,就像妳說的No, like you said I'll think about it carefully.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 9-20:41(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
感覺好驚喜Yeah, it makes me even happier and it's nice!【Leo↑】
沒想到Sol也不告訴我I didn't expect Sol to not tell me as well...【Sol↑】
為什麼這麼著急Yeah. Why are you in such a rush?【Sol↑】
避開Sol的眼睛Avoid Sol's eyes and hug Leo.【Leo↑】
扭脫Leo靠近Get out of Leo's arms and go to Sol.【Sol↑】
不,沒有Leo我會No, I'm going to feel lonely without Leo...【Leo↑】
恩,Sol會補上Yeah, Sol is going to make up for both you and Hi so don't worry.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 9-23:33(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
Sol怎麼了嗎Hi, Sol! Did something happen?【Sol↑】
也沒發生什麼事Nothing really happened so I didn't do anything good.【Sol↑】
最近你好像一直在說... Recently, you've always been talking about Peipei.【Sol↑】
你仔細想想什麼才是Try to carefully think about what's really important to talk about, Sol.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 10【命運路線】
Sol-Day 10-00:32(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
Sol-Day 10-02:12(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
Hi! Hi!!!!!!【Hi↑】
今天也好想你I also missed Hi a lot today...!!【Hi↑】
不想過沒有Hi的生活I don't want to live a life without Hi!【Hi↑】
我希望Sol至少... I wish Sol was at least half as sensitive as you.【Sol↑】
謝謝您HiThank you, Hi...That really hlped a lot...!【Hi↑】
Hi你真是個好人...... Hi, you're a really good person.【Hi↑】
Sol-Day 10-09:14(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
我很好奇Yeah! I'm so curious~!【Hi↑】
不管發生了什麼Whatever happened, I'm sure the universe wasn't helping him...【Sol↑】
Hi我能理解你I understand you, Hi... I feel so lonely as well...【Hi↑】
呵呵呵呵所以結果Hahaha so what happened then?!【Hi↑】
很感謝大家I'm thankful that you're doing this all for me!【Leo↑】
努力雖然重要It's important to work hard but please take care of yourselves!【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 10-11:21(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
Sol好像很忙I think Sol said he's busy so it's going to be hard to get in touch...【Sol↑】
謝謝妳這麼替我著想Thanks for being so considerate of me. I'm fine.【Sol↑】
你送我一個半毀的蛋糕The day you have me a ruined cake as a gift?【Sol↑】
Peipei就像個偵探Peipei... You're like a detective...!【Sol↑】
契約畢竟是契約A contract is a contract,a fter all.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 10-12:54(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
兄弟之間要好好相處Brothers should learn to get along~【Sol↑】
難道Sol在做不能對我Is there anything that Sol can't tell me about?【Sol↑】
是Sol私人的事Is this Sol's personal story?【Sol↑】
Sol的媽媽也這麼Wow... Sol's mother must have been really strong...【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 10-13:25(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
Sol-Day 10-14:22(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
Sol-Day 10-15:53(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
原來Sol有那樣傷痛So Sol was holding to that kind of pain...【Sol↑】
我會試著更信任Yeah, I'll try to trust in Sol more.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 10-18:05(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
我不忙No! I'm not!!【Hi↑】
居然這樣就給你How could they all do that to you!! What bad people!!【Hi↑】
你跟Sol聯絡過Did you contact Sol?【Sol↑】
Leo真的很辛苦Leo is really working hard...【Leo↑】
Hi應該受到比總統Hi should be treated better than a president...!!【Hi↑】
Sol-Day 10-19:36(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
Peipei妳好Oh, Peipei. Hello?【Sol↑】
我知道Yeah, I know.【Sol↑】
Sol其實是個比誰Sol is actually more warm-hearted than anyone.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 10-20:23(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
如果我沒回答If I don't answer, you should be waiting instead of opening the door...!【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 10-21:37(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
Sol-Day 10-22:00(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
豬一樣的東西You filthy pigs. (Dangerously)【Sol↑】
睡得好嗎Did you sleep well, Sol?【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 10-23:49(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
連Sol的不幸我都喜歡I can even like Sol's misfortune.【Sol↑】
因為我就是這麼喜歡Because that's how much I like you.【Sol↑】
但是很熟But it's hot...【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 11【命運路線】
Sol-Day 11-01:25(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
Sol-Day 11-07:29(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
Liam說謊我可以Liam was lying. I can sleep more.【Sol↑】
我希望我們是能夠補足I hope that we can be in a relationship where we can make up for each other's flaws.【Sol↑】
這算約會嗎Are you asking me out on a date?【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 11-09:00(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
我猜Ripeato休假是不常見I'm guessing it's not common gof Ripeat ot be closed for the day?【Sol↑】
你們兩個都太誇張Both of you are too extreme...!!【Hi↑】
炫耀…哈哈感謝你Boasting lol Thanks for thinking so highly of our date...【Sol↑】
你也讓我覺得有點You're also making me feel embarrassed...!!【Leo↑】
我擔心的不是會不會成功What I'm worried about isn't if you can succeed or not, it's your well-being.【Leo↑】
Sol-Day 11-11:26(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
你的阿克酶是不是已經Are you already full of acme?【Sol↑】
年糕刨冰Injeolmi Bingsu【Sol↑】
蘋果芒果刨冰Apple Mango Binsu【Sol↑】
提拉米蘇刨冰Tiramisu Bingsu【Sol↑】
我也看到你的臉頰和耳朵I also saw how red your cheeks and ears were since a while ago.【Sol↑】
我更喜歡像Ripeato這樣I prefer an antique vibe like Ripeato.【Sol↑】
當然Of course...【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 11-13:39(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
Sol,我們為什麼來Sol, why did we come to Ripeato?【Sol↑】
我和你有一樣想法I had the same thoughts as you.【Sol↑】
因為你一直在摸會讓人It's because you keep touching me in places that feel good.【Sol↑】
你都是這樣幫客人測量... Is this how you usually measure customers?【Sol↑】
Sol,幫我量尺寸只是個藉口Sol, measuring me was an excuse to channel acme into me, right?【Sol↑】
怎麼了Sol?你在忍耐What's wrong, Sol? Are you holding back?【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 11-15:41(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
Sol-Day 11-16:39(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
哈哈哈Sol現在才跟你們Haha Sol just told you now?【Sol↑】
我很健康I'm completely fine!【Sol↑】
難怪Sol跟平常有點No wonder... Sol looked a bit different than usual.【Sol↑】
Siu是不是想叫我嫂子Siu, you don't want to call me sister-in-law?【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 11-18:15(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
現在暫時沒有異常As of right now, there's no problem!【Sol↑】
為什麼突然說這事... Why are you suddenly telling me this...?【Sol↑】
Leo的人形立牌A life-sized stand of Leo... I want one...【Leo↑】
呵呵呵,直覺很準Hahaha you have a good hunch, you writer.【Sol↑】
哈哈沒錯,我們今天Lol you're right. We went on a date today.【Sol↑】
我們吃了飯和蛋糕然後We ate food, then cake, then ate some more and more... and...【Sol↑】
但我還是希望他說喜歡But I still wish he would say he likes me...【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 11-19:37(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
Sol-Day 11-20:54(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
先確認一下是誰... Check who it is first.【Sol↑】
你到底想要什麼What is it that you want?【Sol↑】
Sol對不起,能說出Sol, I'm sorry but can you say the password?【Sol↑】
但是什麼都沒發生But nothing happened to us so don't worry!【Sol↑】
Comical Ending(搞笑結局):聊天室20:54選擇一個或更少的Sol選項時解鎖。
Sol-Day 11-23:41(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
不行!我有Sol了No! I have Sol!!【Sol↑】
感覺像出軌It feels like I'm cheating...【Sol↑】
還沒No, wait...!【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 12【命運路線】
Sol-Day 12-02:59(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
我一直在等你聯絡I was waiting for you to contact me!【Sol↑】
一醒來就先想到我Did you contact me right away after coming to your senses?【Sol↑】
老實說因為不是Sol來To be honest, I was disappointed because it wasn't Sol...【Sol↑】
Sol總是說一些理所當然Sol always says obvious things lol【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 12-08:12(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
Siu???怎麼了Siu??? Did something happen?【Sol↑】
時間還很早吧It is early, right?【Sol↑】
呵呵呵沒關係,這是個Hahaha it's okay. It's a cute mistake anyway.【Sol↑】
難道已經把想說的都說So did you finish what you have to say?【Sol↑】
和Siu聊天很開心I like that I get to talk to Siu. Hehe【Sol↑】
Siu,如果要說的都說完Siu, if you have nothing to say then should we finish up?【Sol↑】
時間?什麼時間Free? Why?【Sol↑】
不會呀!沒關係No! It's fine!【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 12-10:49(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
天啊!從大清早就開始Gasp! You must have been working since dawn?! T_T【Hi↑】
謝謝你為我們擔心Thanks for worrying about us~【Sol↑】
對呀!為了Leo大家都傳Right! Send some pictures for Leo!!【Leo↑】
我也想看Leo的照片I want to see a picture of Leo too!【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 12-11:38(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
我一直都沒什麼事I always had nothing wrong~!【Sol↑】
一大早就開始說讓人Why would you say something so embarrassing first thing in the morning...!【Sol↑】
Sol真的很有自制力Sol has really amazing self-control...【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 12-13:16(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
重要的事...關於我們之間If it's something important... then is it about our relationship?【Sol↑】
有道理,那我多出門It does make sense. Then I'll go out a bit more.【Sol↑】
是不是說得太生硬Aren't you talking too formally?【Sol↑】
因為你一直在抑制Because you keep dampening the mood.【Sol↑】
不管我有沒有Whether I have one or not, I just wanted to spend more time with you.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 12-14:23(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
如果你希望,我可以If you want, I can tell him.【Sol↑】
謝謝你這麼體貼Thanks for being so considerate.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 12-15:58(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
Siu!你過得好嗎Siu! How have you been doing?【Sol↑】
不,我喜歡,我喜歡這No, I like it. I like this place.【Sol↑】
選擇和Siu吃過Choose the Bingsu I ate with Sol【Sol↑】
Siu,你有什麼要對我Siu, do you have something to say to me?【Sol↑】
我真的有那麼厲害Was I really that amazing?【Sol↑】
喜歡他溫柔體貼I like how kind and thoughtful he is.【Sol↑】
所以他不只是對我表現得So he isn't only acting strange to me...?【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 12-17:36(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
Sol?Peipei也在呢Sol? Peipei is here too?【Sol↑】
剛剛在聊的Talked a moment ago?【Sol↑】
嗯,我會如實回答Okay, I'll answer all your questions sincerely.【Sol↑】
Sol應該會比我更了解Sol would know more than me about that.【Sol↑】
我也是一心都專注在救你I was just too preoccupied with saving you though.【Sol↑】
他們有事想問你They want to ask you something.【Sol↑】
我想這是因為Sol很沮喪I'm sure it's because Sol is frustrated. We need to understand.【Sol↑】
你們兩個冷靜點Yeah, the both of you stop.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 12-18:18(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
Babe?怎麼突然聯絡Babe? Why are you suddenly contacting me??【Sol↑】
想問的是What do you want to ask...?【Sol↑】
沒有,我沒感覺到No, I don't think I have.【Sol↑】
我應該去問Sol有什麼Should I ask Sol if there's something wrong?【Sol↑】
你不是說不叫我嫂子Didn't you say you weren't going to call me sister-in-law? Hello???【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 12-19:00(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
什麼都可以問Ask me anything?【Sol↑】
我跟Siu沒有這麼頻繁I don't even contact Siu that often.【Sol↑】
沒什麼可告訴你的There's nothing to tell you. And Siu isn't strange.【Sol↑】
那麼擔心的話就直接問If you're that worried then ask Siu yourself.【Sol↑】
Sol,我覺得你跟Ripeato發生了Sol, I think something is going on with you or Ripeato, but why won't you tell me?【Sol↑】
你不告訴我,但都會跟PeipeiWhat you're not tell me me, you told Peipei, right?【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 12-20:31(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
Liam不是可以自己跟他I think you can just contact him yourself.【Sol↑】
其實...我因為Sol傷心死To be hoest... I'm just so upset because of Sol!! T_T【Sol↑】
哈哈哈哈爽快Hahahahaha Let it all out【Sol↑】
不知道為什麼,最近Sol好像For some reason, it feels like Sol is pushing me away...【Sol↑】
Liam! Sol也是有什麼原因才Liam! Sol must have areason for doing this...!【Sol↑】
到底在訓練什麼Just what kind of training are you doing...【Sol↑】
謝謝你的關心Thanks for worrying about me, Liam...【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 12-21:57(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
我本來也準備跟你I was actually going to contact you.【Sol↑】
Liam要你早點過來,而我打算Liam said to come early. I was going to use that excuse to contact you.【Sol↑】
恩,我現在可以走了Yeah, Is it okay if I go now?【Sol↑】
你為什麼要問我有沒有私下Why are you asking if I personally contact Siu?【Sol↑】
但即使我跟你聊,你也只會But even if I contact you, all you do is hide things from me.【Sol↑】
那你跟Liam在進行什麼Then, what kind off training are you doing with Liam?【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 12-23:26(以下選項適用命運路線,不適用命運IF路線)
是誰Who is it?【Sol↑】
什麼叫做不能說You can't say it?【Sol↑】
Sol,我們不像和你那麼Sol, not as close as with you.【Sol↑】
...恩... Yeah.【Sol↑】
Comical Ending(搞笑結局):Hi好感度很高時解鎖。
Sol-Day 13【命運路線】
Sol-Day 13-07:39(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
Sol已經去上班了Sol, you already went to work?【Sol↑】
Leo?什麼事Leo? What happened?【Leo↑】
我正和Sol在說重要的事T_T Sol and I were in the middle of something important!【Sol↑】
Leo我知道你可能嚇到Leo, I know you're surprised but please tell us calmly.【Leo↑】
Hi回國了Hi is back? But I didn't hear from him【Hi↑】
Hi因為我受傷了Hi got hurt because of me?!【Hi↑】
如果Eater出現了If Eater showed up first, then can we track him down?【Sol↑】
Hi到底遭遇什麼Just what happened to Hi...?!【Hi↑】
說什麼呢Leo!代價應該What are you saying, Leo! I should pay the cost!【Leo↑】
Sol-Day 13-09:41(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
我沒事,我也很擔心你I'm fine. I'm sure you're worried too, are you okay?【Sol↑】
你不覺得我也應該去看Don't you think I should go visit Hi?【Hi↑】
Sol的父親一定也很疼愛Sol's father must have really cared for Hi.【Sol↑】
有什麼辦法可以用我的力量Is there any way to neutralize Eater with my power?【Sol↑】
雖然我很氣Eater...I'm angry at Eater... But I won't act recklessly.【Sol↑】
你也要小心, Sol!!You be careful too, Sol!!【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 13-11:06(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
Sol-Day 13-13:53(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
妳已經準備回去中國You're already going back to China?【Sol↑】
Sol如果付不出來的話If it's idfficult for Sol to pay it then I'll pay for it!【Sol↑】
Sol…你知道Peipei喜歡Sol... Did you know that Peipei likes you?【Sol↑】
謝謝你說出你的想法Thank you for telling me that. I also only have Sol.【Sol↑】
我想替Leo和Hi說聲I want to say thank you for doing it for Leo and Hi.【Sol↑】
Sol路上小心Sol, be careful on your way. I'm worried...!【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 13-15:36(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
你沒事…!!謝謝…!You made it..!! Thank you...! I was worried!【Sol↑】
你對Peipei說的話…What you said to Peipei... Is it true?【Sol↑】
一對都不傻,你獨自一人It's not stupid. The time that you spent alone, I want to be able to protect you for just as long.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 13-16:20(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
Sol-Day 13-17:47(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
Siu,謝謝你受到這麼大驚嚇Siu, you must have been really shaken so thank you for telling us.【Sol↑】
Sol,Ripeato對你來說很重要Sol, Ripeato is an important place to you. You should go.【Sol↑】
對Sol來說重要的東西對我也一樣What's important to Sol is also important to me so I'm okay.【Sol↑】
謝謝你,但是那一天我不能收Thank you. But I can't receive a gift from anyone else but Sol on that day.【Sol↑】
Comical Ending(搞笑結局):Sol好感度低時解鎖。
Sol-Day 13-18:35(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
Sol-Day 13-21:26(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
妳還是很喜歡SolDo you still like Sol?【Sol↑】
這也是Sol的選擇This is also Sol's decision. Please respect that.【Sol↑】
Sol說這一切都不是Sol told me that it wasn't my fault this is all happening.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 13-23:48(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
謝謝你Liam,多虧了你Thank you, Liam. Because of you, Sol feels a lot better.【Sol↑】
Sol,你還想再躺一下Sol, do you want to lie down more?【Sol↑】
Sol,現在是放鬆的時候Sol, it's time to stop being comfortable.【Sol↑】
讓我感受你真實的心情Allow me to feel how you truly feel.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 14【命運路線】
Sol-Day 14-08:29(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
Sol,你怎麼這麼早就走Sol, why did you leave so early?【Sol↑】
你不會是要當做沒發生過You're not going to ask me to act like it never happened, right?【Sol↑】
我本來希望睜開眼睛的時候I was hoping I got to see Sol when I opened my eyes... A shame.【Sol↑】
那是什麼意思What does that mean?【Sol↑】
我希望你不要因為我而放棄I wish you wouldn't give something up because of me【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 14-09:19(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
Sol-Day 14-11:20(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
Babe,你醒了Babe, you're awake!【Sol↑】
這麼明顯嗎Is it that obvious?【Sol↑】
Babe你應該才是最難過Babe, I'm sure you're suffering the most but thank you for cheering us up.【Sol↑】
我隨時都準備好要聽了I'm alsways ready to listen, Sol.【Sol↑】
William和Sol有什麼計畫William and Sol are planning something?【Sol↑】
嗯,我會和William一起等Okay, I'll be waiting with William.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 14-13:29(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
Sol,Siu的狀態很奇怪Sol, Siu is weird! Avoid him!!【Sol↑】
不要過來!我不會跟你走Don't come close! I'm not going to follow you!【Sol↑】
住手…!! Liam和Sol沒有做錯Stop..!! Liam and Sol did nothing wrong...!!【Sol↑】
Dark Ending(黑暗結局):錯過70%或更多聊天室(不含故事模式)時解鎖。
Sol-Day 14-14:59(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
Sol...這是你做的嗎Sol... did you do this?【Sol↑】
你是唯一一個真正死去而不只You're the only person who would really die and not just prepare to die, Sol.【Sol↑】
Sol,我可以幫助SiuSol, can I help Siu?【Sol↑】
這樣就公平了With this, we're even, right?【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 14-17:28(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
Sol,辛苦你了,這一切都You went through a lot, Sol. It's all because of you.【Sol↑】
Hi和Leo沒辦法來So Hi and Leo can't come.【Sol↑】
除此之外,你就沒有別的Other than that, don't you have something else to say to me?【Sol↑】
不,我不知道No, I didn't know...!【Sol↑】
我也喜歡你,Sol!I like you too, Sol!【Sol↑】
我一直在等你告訴我你的心意I was waiting for you to express your feelings to me. Thank you for telling me.【Sol↑】
Normal End(一般結局):Sol好感度高時解鎖。
Happy End(幸福結局):Sol好感度極高時解鎖(不錯過任何聊天室,專注增加Sol的好感度)。
Sol-Day 8【命運IF路線】
Sol-Day 8-故事模式(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
還沒有伴侶嗎Don't I already have a partner?【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 8-故事模式(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
我做錯什麼了嗎Wh.. what? Did I do something wrong? Why are you staring at me?【Sol↑】
您怎麼知道是我How do you know my voice that well?【Leo↑】
總覺得有些熟悉A strangely... familiar feeling.【Sol↑】
就算每天身體Even if you're going to feel all hot and bothered everyday? You're still okay?【Hi↑】
雖然很感謝I'm thankful but...【Leo↑】
我是邪惡又危險I'll have you know I'm actually a very evil and dangerous Unholyc.【Sol↑】
大家都平安就好The only thing that matters is we're all safe!【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 8-故事模式(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
三個伴侶Three partners is at least better than four partners, right? Hahaha!【Sol↑】
不是從Ripeato的貓咪The senior of Ripeato, the cat.【Hi↑】
不是從Sol父親Your father.【Sol↑】
選Hi的I picked Hi's present.【Hi↑】
選Leo的I picked Leo's present.【Leo↑】
選Sol的I picked Sol's present.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 8-10:48(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
Sol-Day 8-12:37(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
Sol-Day 8-14:23(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
好久不見It's been too long!【Leo↑】
Hi都沒有變lol Hi still hasn't changed!【Hi↑】
謝謝你們Thank you all so much!【Sol↑】
為了我成為Being the best idol is for me??;;【Hi↑】
資本主義Hooray for capitalism...!!!【Hi↑】
Sol一早就這麼Sol is so diligent even in the morning.【Sol↑】
真的嗎Really? Can you show them?【Leo↑】
雖然我想看I want to see then, but I think Sol wouldn't like that...【Sol↑】
你在這邊說If you mention it here then it's not a secret anymore, right?【Leo↑】
我不會給你們看I'm not going to show you! Only for me!【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 8-16:56(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
我也有事情I also have something to tell you.【Sol↑】
你是在說你Are you saying that you like me?【Sol↑】
我要做什麼What do I have to do?【Sol↑】
我有自信I'm confident at just staying home!【Sol↑】
謝謝你擔心我Thanks for worrying about me...【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 8-18:03(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
初次見面Nice meeting you. Look forward to getting to know you ^^【Sol↑】
終於想到要讓我Are you finally going to introduce me?【Sol↑】
謝謝你熱情Thank you for the passionate introduction...!【Sol↑】
看來Babe和Siu常常Babe and Siu must fight over this a lot?【Sol↑】
無選項/我也會努力I'll do my best to get along with them as well!【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 8-20:35(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
看Hi的眼睛I looked into Hi's eyes.【Hi↑】
看Leo的眼睛I looked into Leo's eyes.【Leo↑】
看Sol的眼睛I looked into Sol's eyes.【Sol↑】
這次也請多關照Yeah. I'll be in your care.【Leo↑】
Sol怎麼這麼安靜Sol, why are you so quiet?【Sol↑】
你的阿克酶好像Sol, your acme is going in too slowly.【Sol↑】
希望你別忍耐 【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 8-22:23(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
不,我睡不著No. I can't sleep because I was thinking of
Sol也有被捲入So there are moments when even Sol starts
to be caught up in their pace.【Sol↑】
關於Eater還有別的Is there any more news about Eater that you know about?【Sol↑】
有你在我不可能There's no reason for me to be anxious if Sol is here.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 8-23:41(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
Sol-Day 9【命運IF路線】
Sol-Day 9-06:13(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
再見Good-bye~!! Take care~!!【Sol↑】
你要去哪Where are you going! And leaving me!! T_T【Hi↑】
為什麼要去中國Why are you suddenly going to China?【Hi↑】
Peipei父親經營的品牌What's the brand that Peipei's father runs?【Sol↑】
你不是因為我才被迫... You're not being forced to go because of me, right?【Hi↑】
就是Leo說的那個The photographer who Leo said is like serving an ice king?【Sol↑】
那個人說我是LeoThat person, called me Leo's muse.【Leo↑】
Hi謝謝你Thanks, Hi. Hi, you be careful!【Hi↑】
有Sol在你不用擔心Don't worry about me since Sol is here!【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 9-08:28(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
你還是沒變You're full of energy, as usual, Babe!【Sol↑】
Sol這麼關心我Sol, does he care for me that much?【Sol↑】
在背後討論別人I don't like to talk about other people behind their back.【Sol↑】
她怎麼可怕了How is she scary?【Sol↑】
雖然解開了顧問It's satisfied my curiosity but she seems to be a bit scary.【Sol↑】
謝謝你的幫忙Yeah, thanks for helping me. And tell Sol thank you.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 9-10:47(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
你好Hi, you're Babe's younger brother, Siu right?【Sol↑】
天啊Gasp! Is it possible to take down someone with a pencil?【Sol↑】
有人說過你有點呆Siu, have you heard people call you sloppy?【Sol↑】
和Sol有關的故事Does it have to do with Sol?【Sol↑】
原來你們和Sol的緣分So that's how youre relationship with Sol started?【Sol↑】
是他們該打He deserved it!【Sol↑】
Sol應該明白I'm sure Sol knows how you feel right now.【Sol↑】
跟Sol有關的話題I'm glad to listen to any story about Sol.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 9-12:02(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
重要的事情Something important... About the price of the deal?【Sol↑】
我也想知道更多I also want to know more about you...【Sol↑】
關於我的事Sol hasn't said anything about me?【Sol↑】
好的Yeah, okay.【Sol↑】
路上小心Yeah, have a safe flight! Boss!【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 9-14:25(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
這個時間Sol來找我To think you'd visit me at this time! So happy...!【Sol↑】
如果你是因為想念我If you're here
because you miss me, then you're always welcome.【Sol↑】
是的,老師Yes, teacher...【Sol↑】
通知你們兩個The both of you? Or just one of you?【Sol↑】
Sol你的表情看起來Sol, you really look like you don't want to go back.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 9-16:19(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
Hi平安抵達中國Hi! Did you arrive safely in China?【Hi↑】
Sol年齡不過是數字Sol, age is just a number!【Hi↑】
➞Sol好像有時候會本能Lol it seems like romantic words come out like instinct for Sol.【Sol↑】
你們三個都當過兵Did the three of you go to the army?【Leo↑】
教招?那是什麼Reserve forces training? What's that?【Sol↑】
Peipei小姐是厲害的人Peipei seems like an amazing person...!【Sol↑】
你應該要忙著You must be busy with Peipei, Sol...【Sol↑】
Hi在中國也要好好享受Hi, enjoy your time in China~!【Hi↑】
Leo不要太勉強Leo, don't push yourself and be careful in training~!【Leo↑】
Sol-Day 9-18:52(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
這跟妳要說的事Does this have anything to do with that?【Sol↑】
Shallote快點重點...... Shallote. Just get to the point...【Sol↑】
我選了SolI picked Sol.【Sol↑】
我好像墜入愛河I think that.. I'm being loved.【Sol↑】
妳說的話我會認真OK, like you said I'll think about it carefully.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 9-20:41(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
感覺好驚喜Yeah, it makes me even happier and it's nice!【Leo↑】
即使是Sol也知道So even Sol knows how to surprise someone!【Sol↑】
我很謝謝你對我I'm thankful that Sol cares so much.【Sol↑】
不,沒有Leo我會No, I'm going to feel lonely without Leo...【Leo↑】
恩,Sol會補上Yeah, Sol is going to make up for both you and Hi so don't worry.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 9-23:33(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
Sol怎麼了嗎Hi, Sol! Did something happen?【Sol↑】
就算沒有重要的事Contact me even if there isn't anything important!【Sol↑】
我也想跟Sol再多聊I want to talk to you more too...【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 10【命運IF路線】
Sol-Day 10-00:32(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
Sol-Day 10-02:12(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
Hi! Hi!!!!!!【Hi↑】
今天也好想你I also missed Hi a lot today...!!【Hi↑】
不想過沒有Hi的生活I don't want to live a life without Hi!【Hi↑】
Sol對我這麼小心翼翼Sol is being so careful with me T_T【Sol↑】
Hi你真是個好人...... Hi, you're a really good person.【Hi↑】
Sol-Day 10-09:14(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
我很好奇Yeah! I'm so curious~!【Hi↑】
不管發生了什麼Whatever happened, I'm sure the universe wasn't helping him...【Sol↑】
Hi我能理解你I understand you, Hi... I feel so lonely as well...【Hi↑】
呵呵呵呵所以結果Hahaha so what happened then?!【Hi↑】
很感謝大家I'm thankful that you're doing this all for me!【Leo↑】
努力雖然重要It's important to work hard but please take care of yourselves!【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 10-11:21(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
Sol好像很忙I think Sol said he's busy so it's going to be hard to get in touch...【Sol↑】
謝謝妳這麼替我著想Thanks for being so considerate of me. I'm fine.【Sol↑】
你送我一個半毀的蛋糕The day you have me a ruined cake as a gift?【Sol↑】
Peipei就像個偵探Peipei... You're like a detective...!【Sol↑】
契約畢竟是契約A contract is a contract,a fter all.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 10-12:54(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
兄弟之間要好好相處Brothers should learn to get along~【Sol↑】
難道Sol在做不能對我Is there anything that Sol can't tell me about?【Sol↑】
是Sol私人的事Is this Sol's personal story?【Sol↑】
Sol的媽媽也這麼Wow... Sol's mother must have been really strong...【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 10-13:25(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
Sol-Day 10-14:22(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
Sol-Day 10-15:53(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
原來Sol有那樣傷痛So Sol was holding to that kind of pain...【Sol↑】
我也應該成為讓Sol可以Then I should be someone that Sol can rely on! 【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 10-18:05(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
我不忙No! I'm not!!【Hi↑】
居然這樣就給你How could they all do that to you!! What bad people!!【Hi↑】
你跟Sol聯絡過Did you contact Sol?【Sol↑】
Leo真的很辛苦Leo is really working hard...【Leo↑】
Hi應該受到比總統Hi should be treated better than a president...!!【Hi↑】
Sol-Day 10-19:36(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
Peipei妳好Oh, Peipei. Hello?【Sol↑】
我知道Yeah, I know.【Sol↑】
Sol其實是個比誰Sol is actually more warm-hearted than anyone.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 10-20:23(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
如果我沒回答If I don't answer, you should be waiting instead of opening the door...!【Sol↑】
當然!我要去Of course! I'm going!【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 10-21:37(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
Sol-Day 10-22:00(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
豬一樣的東西You filthy pigs. (Dangerously)【Sol↑】
睡得好嗎Did you sleep well, Sol?【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 10-23:49(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
擔心你怎麼會是How is worrying about you a pointless worry?【Sol↑】
Sol你沒有讓我置於Sol, you didn't put me in danger.【Sol↑】
因為我就是這麼喜歡Because that's how much I like you.【Sol↑】
就是這樣的時刻It moments like this when I want to be by your side.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 11【命運IF路線】
Sol-Day 11-01:25(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
Sol-Day 11-07:29(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
Liam說謊我可以Liam was lying. I can sleep more.【Sol↑】
我希望我們是能夠補足I hope that we can be in a relationship where we can make up for each other's flaws.【Sol↑】
這算約會嗎Are you asking me out on a date?【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 11-09:00(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
我猜Ripeato休假是不常見I'm guessing it's not common gof Ripeat ot be closed for the day?【Sol↑】
你們兩個都太誇張Both of you are too extreme...!!【Hi↑】
炫耀…哈哈感謝你Boasting lol Thanks for thinking so highly of our date...【Sol↑】
你也讓我覺得有點You're also making me feel embarrassed...!!【Leo↑】
我擔心的不是會不會成功What I'm worried about isn't if you can succeed or not, it's your well-being.【Leo↑】
Sol-Day 11-11:26(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
你的阿克酶是不是已經Are you already full of acme?【Sol↑】
年糕刨冰Injeolmi Bingsu【Sol↑】
蘋果芒果刨冰Apple Mango Binsu【Sol↑】
提拉米蘇刨冰Tiramisu Bingsu【Sol↑】
我也看到你的臉頰和耳朵I also saw how red your cheeks and ears were since a while ago.【Sol↑】
我更喜歡像Ripeato這樣I prefer an antique vibe like Ripeato.【Sol↑】
當然Of course...【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 11-13:39(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
Sol,我們為什麼來Sol, why did we come to Ripeato?【Sol↑】
我和你有一樣想法I had the same thoughts as you.【Sol↑】
摀住Sol的嘴(Cover Sol's mouth) 【Sol↑】
如果可以…我們還是生活If we can... let's live in a heaven that's a little bigger.【Sol↑】
Sol,幫我量尺寸只是個藉口Sol, measuring me was an excuse to channel acme into me, right?【Sol↑】
怎麼了Sol?你在忍耐What's wrong, Sol? Are you holding back?【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 11-15:41(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
Sol-Day 11-16:39(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
哈哈哈Sol現在才跟你們Haha Sol just told you now?【Sol↑】
我很健康I'm completely fine!【Sol↑】
難怪Sol跟平常有點No wonder... Sol looked a bit different than usual.【Sol↑】
Siu是不是想叫我嫂子Siu, you don't want to call me sister-in-law?【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 11-18:15(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
現在暫時沒有異常As of right now, there's no problem!【Sol↑】
為什麼突然說這事... Why are you suddenly telling me this...?【Sol↑】
Leo的人形立牌A life-sized stand of Leo... I want one...【Leo↑】
呵呵呵,直覺很準Hahaha you have a good hunch, you writer.【Sol↑】
哈哈沒錯,我們今天Lol you're right. We went on a date today.【Sol↑】
很甜密…緊張Sweet... Tight... Hot.【Sol↑】
妳說的對I think you're right.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 11-19:37(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
Sol-Day 11-20:54(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
先確認一下是誰... Check who it is first.【Sol↑】
你到底想要什麼What is it that you want?【Sol↑】
Sol對不起,能說出Sol, I'm sorry but can you say the password?【Sol↑】
但是什麼都沒發生But nothing happened to us so don't worry!【Sol↑】
Comical Ending(搞笑結局):聊天室20:54選擇一個或更少的Sol選項時解鎖。
Sol-Day 11-23:41(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
不行!我有Sol了No! I have Sol!!【Sol↑】
感覺像出軌It feels like I'm cheating...【Sol↑】
還沒No, wait...!【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 11【命運IF路線】
Sol-Day 12-02:59(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
我一直在等你聯絡I was waiting for you to contact me!【Sol↑】
一醒來就先想到我Did you contact me right away after coming to your senses?【Sol↑】
老實說因為不是Sol來To be honest, I was disappointed because it wasn't Sol...【Sol↑】
Sol總是說一些理所當然Sol always says obvious things lol【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 12-08:12(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
Siu???怎麼了Siu??? Did something happen?【Sol↑】
時間還很早吧It is early, right?【Sol↑】
呵呵呵沒關係,這是個Hahaha it's okay. It's a cute mistake anyway.【Sol↑】
難道已經把想說的都說So did you finish what you have to say?【Sol↑】
和Siu聊天很開心I like that I get to talk to Siu. Hehe【Sol↑】
Siu,如果要說的都說完Siu, if you have nothing to say then should we finish up?【Sol↑】
時間?什麼時間Free? Why?【Sol↑】
不會呀!沒關係No! It's fine!【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 12-10:49(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
天啊!從大清早就開始Gasp! You must have been working since dawn?! T_T【Hi↑】
謝謝你為我們擔心Thanks for worrying about us~【Sol↑】
對呀!為了Leo大家都傳Right! Send some pictures for Leo!!【Leo↑】
我也想看Leo的照片I want to see a picture of Leo too!【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 12-11:38(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
我一直都沒什麼事I always had nothing wrong~!【Sol↑】
一大早就開始說讓人Why would you say something so embarrassing first thing in the morning...!【Sol↑】
Sol真的很有自制力Sol has really amazing self-control...【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 12-13:16(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
突然很想我嗎Did you start missing me?【Sol↑】
能跟Sol在一起的話If I can go out with Sol, then that's not a bad idea!【Sol↑】
好,我們會成為好夥伴Good, we're going to be good partners!【Sol↑】
聽到我是你可以依靠It feels good to hear that I am someone you can rely on!【Sol↑】
不管有沒有,我只想和你Whether I have one or not, I just want to spend time with you.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 12-14:23(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
如果你希望,我可以If you want, I can tell him.【Sol↑】
謝謝你這麼體貼Thanks for being so considerate.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 12-15:58(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
Siu!你過得好嗎Siu! How have you been doing?【Sol↑】
不,我喜歡,我喜歡這No, I like it. I like this place.【Sol↑】
選擇和Siu吃過Choose the Bingsu I ate with Sol【Sol↑】
Siu,你有什麼要對我Siu, do you have something to say to me?【Sol↑】
我真的有那麼厲害Was I really that amazing?【Sol↑】
袒護SolSide with Sol.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 12-17:36(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
Sol?Peipei也在呢Sol? Peipei is here too?【Sol↑】
剛剛在聊的Talked a moment ago?【Sol↑】
嗯,我會如實回答Okay, I'll answer all your questions sincerely.【Sol↑】
Sol應該會比我更了解Sol would know more than me about that.【Sol↑】
我也是一心都專注在救你I was just too preoccupied with saving you though.【Sol↑】
他們有事想問你They want to ask you something.【Sol↑】
Sol如果你這麼說Peipei會很If you say that then it's going to be troublesome for Peipei, Sol. I'm fine.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 12-18:18(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
Babe?怎麼突然聯絡Babe? Why are you suddenly contacting me??【Sol↑】
想問的是What do you want to ask...?【Sol↑】
Is Sol in a bad mood?
應該是沒有I don't think I so.【Sol↑】
我應該去問Sol有什麼Should I ask Sol if there's something wrong?【Sol↑】
你不是說不叫我嫂子Didn't you say you weren't going to call me sister-in-law? Hello???【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 12-19:00(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
什麼都可以問Ask me anything?【Sol↑】
我跟Siu沒有這麼頻繁I don't even contact Siu that often.【Sol↑】
這個嘛,因為我也不太了解Not sure, since I don't know Siu that well...【Sol↑】
那麼擔心的話就直接問If you're that worried then ask Siu yourself.【Sol↑】
剛才和Peipei聊的事What I talked about with Peipei earlier, it's not harmful to you or Ripeato, right?【Sol↑】
希望你能解決你和SiuI hope you resolve your issue with Siu...!【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 12-20:31(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
Liam不是可以自己跟他I think you can just contact him yourself.【Sol↑】
Liam,你不會告訴Sol那種話...Liam, you're not telling Sol something like that, right?【Sol↑】
我可以告訴他我也在等Can I tell him I'm waiting too?【Sol↑】
為什麼要叫他早點來Why are you asking him to come earlier?【Sol↑】
你是想讓我更好奇... You're trying to make me more curious, right?【Sol↑】
不,我只是擔心No, I'm just worried!【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 12-21:57(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
我的時間都是屬於SolAll of my time is Sol's!【Sol↑】
Liam要你早點過來,而我打算Liam said to come early. I was going to use that excuse to contact you.【Sol↑】
恩,我現在可以走了Yeah, Is it okay if I go now?【Sol↑】
哈哈哈,你現在吃醋了Hahaha are you jealous right now?【Sol↑】
我不可能比現在更喜歡It's impossible for me to like you even more!【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 12-23:26(以下選項適用命運IF路線,不適用命運路線)
是誰Who is it?【Sol↑】
有些事情我不想讓SolThere's something I don't want Sol to misunderstand.【Sol↑】
Sol,我們不像和你那麼Sol, not as close as with you.【Sol↑】
...恩... Yeah.【Sol↑】
Comical Ending(搞笑結局):Hi好感度很高時解鎖。
Sol-Day 13【命運路線、命運IF路線 】
Sol-Day 13-07:39(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
Sol已經去上班了Sol, you already went to work?【Sol↑】
Leo?什麼事Leo? What happened?【Leo↑】
我正和Sol在說重要的事T_T Sol and I were in the middle of something important!【Sol↑】
Leo我知道你可能嚇到Leo, I know you're surprised but please tell us calmly.【Leo↑】
Hi回國了Hi is back? But I didn't hear from him【Hi↑】
Hi因為我受傷了Hi got hurt because of me?!【Hi↑】
如果Eater出現了If Eater showed up first, then can we track him down?【Sol↑】
Hi到底遭遇什麼Just what happened to Hi...?!【Hi↑】
說什麼呢Leo!代價應該What are you saying, Leo! I should pay the cost!【Leo↑】
Sol-Day 13-09:41(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
我沒事,我也很擔心你I'm fine. I'm sure you're worried too, are you okay?【Sol↑】
你不覺得我也應該去看Don't you think I should go visit Hi?【Hi↑】
Sol的父親一定也很疼愛Sol's father must have really cared for Hi.【Sol↑】
有什麼辦法可以用我的力量Is there any way to neutralize Eater with my power?【Sol↑】
雖然我很氣Eater...I'm angry at Eater... But I won't act recklessly.【Sol↑】
你也要小心, Sol!!You be careful too, Sol!!【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 13-11:06(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
Sol-Day 13-13:53(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
妳已經準備回去中國You're already going back to China?【Sol↑】
Sol如果付不出來的話If it's idfficult for Sol to pay it then I'll pay for it!【Sol↑】
Sol…你知道Peipei喜歡Sol... Did you know that Peipei likes you?【Sol↑】
原 文 請 看 B O T S O D G +
謝謝你說出你的想法Thank you for telling me that. I also only have Sol.【Sol↑】
我想替Leo和Hi說聲I want to say thank you for doing it for Leo and Hi.【Sol↑】
Sol路上小心Sol, be careful on your way. I'm worried...!【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 13-15:36(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
你沒事…!!謝謝…!You made it..!! Thank you...! I was worried!【Sol↑】
你對Peipei說的話…What you said to Peipei... Is it true?【Sol↑】
一對都不傻,你獨自一人It's not stupid. The time that you spent alone, I want to be able to protect you for just as long.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 13-16:20(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
Sol-Day 13-17:47(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
Siu,謝謝你受到這麼大驚嚇Siu, you must have been really shaken so thank you for telling us.【Sol↑】
Sol,Ripeato對你來說很重要Sol, Ripeato is an important place to you. You should go.【Sol↑】
對Sol來說重要的東西對我也一樣What's important to Sol is also important to me so I'm okay.【Sol↑】
謝謝你,但是那一天我不能收Thank you. But I can't receive a gift from anyone else but Sol on that day.【Sol↑】
Comical Ending(搞笑結局):Sol好感度低時解鎖。
Sol-Day 13-18:35(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
Sol-Day 13-21:26(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
妳還是很喜歡SolDo you still like Sol?【Sol↑】
這也是Sol的選擇This is also Sol's decision. Please respect that.【Sol↑】
Sol說這一切都不是Sol told me that it wasn't my fault this is all happening.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 13-23:48(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
謝謝你Liam,多虧了你Thank you, Liam. Because of you, Sol feels a lot better.【Sol↑】
Sol,你還想再躺一下Sol, do you want to lie down more?【Sol↑】
Sol,現在是放鬆的時候Sol, it's time to stop being comfortable.【Sol↑】
讓我感受你真實的心情Allow me to feel how you truly feel.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 14【命運路線、命運IF路線 】
Sol-Day 14-08:29(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
Sol,你怎麼這麼早就走Sol, why did you leave so early?【Sol↑】
你不會是要當做沒發生過You're not going to ask me to act like it never happened, right?【Sol↑】
我本來希望睜開眼睛的時候I was hoping I got to see Sol when I opened my eyes... A shame.【Sol↑】
那是什麼意思What does that mean?【Sol↑】
我希望你不要因為我而放棄I wish you wouldn't give something up because of me【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 14-09:19(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
Sol-Day 14-11:20(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
Babe,你醒了Babe, you're awake!【Sol↑】
這麼明顯嗎Is it that obvious?【Sol↑】
Babe你應該才是最難過Babe, I'm sure you're suffering the most but thank you for cheering us up.【Sol↑】
我隨時都準備好要聽了I'm alsways ready to listen, Sol.【Sol↑】
William和Sol有什麼計畫William and Sol are planning something?【Sol↑】
嗯,我會和William一起等Okay, I'll be waiting with William.【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 14-13:29(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
Sol,Siu的狀態很奇怪Sol, Siu is weird! Avoid him!!【Sol↑】
不要過來!我不會跟你走Don't come close! I'm not going to follow you!【Sol↑】
住手…!! Liam和Sol沒有做錯Stop..!! Liam and Sol did nothing wrong...!!【Sol↑】
Dark Ending(黑暗結局):錯過70%或更多聊天室(不含故事模式)時解鎖。
Sol-Day 14-14:59(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
Sol...這是你做的嗎Sol... did you do this?【Sol↑】
你是唯一一個真正死去而不只You're the only person who would really die and not just prepare to die, Sol.【Sol↑】
Sol,我可以幫助SiuSol, can I help Siu?【Sol↑】
這樣就公平了With this, we're even, right?【Sol↑】
Sol-Day 14-17:28(以下選項適用命運路線、命運IF路線)
Sol,辛苦你了,這一切都You went through a lot, Sol. It's all because of you.【Sol↑】
Hi和Leo沒辦法來So Hi and Leo can't come.【Sol↑】
除此之外,你就沒有別的Other than that, don't you have something else to say to me?【Sol↑】
不,我不知道No, I didn't know...!【Sol↑】
我也喜歡你,Sol!I like you too, Sol!【Sol↑】
我一直在等你告訴我你的心意I was waiting for you to express your feelings to me. Thank you for telling me.【Sol↑】
Normal End(一般結局):Sol好感度高時解鎖。
Happy End(幸福結局):Sol好感度極高時解鎖(不錯過任何聊天室,專注增加Sol的好感度)。
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