神秘信使(Mystic Messenger,又譯神秘的信使、可疑的信息)的介紹與攻略,攻略包含角色攻略(V(金之旭)-After Ending)【原諒結局(Forgive Ending)、審判結局(Judge Ending)】。
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Mystic Messenger
◆V-BAD END、Bad Relationship End:
BAD END、Bad Relationship End的攻略,請至本文【V:BE/BRE攻略】查看!
◆V-After Ending:
P.S.V的後日談需要先完成V的GOOD ENDING才能解鎖,其他注意事項可以查看「DLC攻略」。
P.S.建議看完「Rika Behind Story」後,再進行V的After Ending較佳。
1:你還是無法忘記她嗎【Does this mean you can't forget Rika yet?】
2:我會等你回來【I'll be waiting. But promise you'll write to me.】
3:我明白了【Okay, thank you】
4:聽說V的事情了嗎【Have you heard about V?】
5:你的心靈沒事嗎【How's your mental health?】
6:聽說V的消息了嗎【Have you heard anything from V?】
7:都得待在監獄裡嗎【You mean she'll be incarcerated until her trial】
8:等V回來就來曬恩愛【I'll do that once V is back!】
9:我已經原諒她了【I already forgave her. 】
10:找到Ray的線索了嗎【Did you find out anything about..Ray?】
11:我也不曉得【This choice doesn't matter, I believe.】
13:我真的覺得很遺憾【Seven.. I'm so sorry.】
14:那個坐著橡皮艇在湖上的人【Yeah….sort of.】
16:會在陷入危險時現身幫忙【Even if he's gone, I feel like he'll come back and help us once we're in danger.】
17:我們馬上見個面吧【Yeah, let's meet up soon.】
18:如果能了解Rika的症狀…【No..it's about Rika.】
19:需要一些時間振作起來【If you can theoretically understand Rika's symptoms, it might help you to recover.】
20:希望RFA東山再起【It'll take some time for all of us to be okay.】
21:和RFA成員一起讓我很放心【Sure. I'm so glad I'm with the RFA】
22:再見【Good bye.】
◆原諒結局(Forgive Ending)-Episode 2:
1:一直在等這封信【I've been waiting for this one!】
2:拆信閱讀【Open the letter】
4:有人在背地操控這一切嗎【Do you think someone masterminded all this?】
5:我們一定要找到Rika【Maybe you're right, we mist find Rika.】
6:並不是不可能…【That's not unlikely.】
8:說不定是Seven【Maybe it was Seven…】
9:Seven發生什麼事了嗎【Did something happen to Seven?】
10:Ray是Seven的弟弟【Ray was…Seven's little brother?】
11:Ray竟然會落得如此下場【I'm so sad about what happened to Ray. He was so innocent.】
12:Ray真的不可能還活著嗎【Are you sure there's no chance of survival for Ray?】
13:他試圖想阻止他們兩人【V knew that. So he tried to stop both of them.】
14:我會盡我所能【Of course. I'll do what I can to help.】
15:當時年紀還小應該不太了解【I'm sure you had no idea. You were young back then】
16:不覺得有部分的她是真實的【But don't you think part of her was real?】
17:希望不會再多出Rika的名字【I hope Rika's name won't be added to the list of victims.】
18:無法讓破碎的心癒合的【Hurting someone will not cure broken hearts.】
19:想知道Seven在哪裡嗎【You wanna know where Seven is?】
20:去找Rika就一去不回了吧【He's not going back to Rika, is he?】
21:他不知道Rika的病情這麼糟糕【I bet he had no idea Rika's state was that bad】
22:待在Magenta已脛是很久以前的事了【Now it feels like my time at Magenta is ancient history.】
24:我不覺得她能打敗Seven【But I don't think she can beat him】
25:我會努力這麼做的【I'll try】
◆原諒結局(Forgive Ending)-Episode 3:
1:打開信【Open the letter】
2:他們發現Seven的定位嗎【That they found out where Seven is?】
3:之後會變成怎樣呢【What will happen now?】
4:你需要面膜【Any of these】
5:控制一下你的情緒【get a hold of yourself, Zen.】
6:我也誤會你了【Sorry. I almost misjudged you.】
7:有什麼新消息嗎【Anything new?】
8:Rika的情況如何【How is she doing?】
9:發生什麼狀況要告訴我們【Do let us know if there's something wrong.】
12:我們向主旻求救【Let's ask Jumin for help.】
14:希望能稍微幫上忙【I hope we can be of some help at the cabin.】
15:一定有的【I'm sure there is!】
◆原諒結局(Forgive Ending)-Episode 4:
1:為什麼這麼安靜【Yoosung, why are you so quiet?】
2:對她懷抱著什麼感情【What do you feel about Rika?】
4:雙面人個性太可怕了【Rika, your dual faces are horrifying.】
5:Rika會這那麼做有她的理由吧【Justified, but there must be a reason why she did all that.】
6:什麼時候患上精神疾病的【Rika, where did your mental illness come from?】
8:流星你沒事吧【Yoosung, are you alright?】
9:你會原諒她的【One day you'll get to forgive her.】
11:憎恨不會帶來幸福【But I'm worried..Hatred doesn't lead to happiness.】
12:我有點同情她【I feel sort of bad for her.】
13:過去就讓它留在過去吧【We must leave past in the past.】
14:看著他們兩人【(Watch the two of them)】
15:謝謝你告訴我們【Thank you for letting us know.】
16:希望他還活著【I hope he's alive.】
17:V給你的愛不夠嗎【Wasn't V's love enough for you?】
18:他需要去釐清一些事【He's gone for a bit. He said he needs to sort out a few things.】
19:執著拯救他人而忘救自己的方法 【Maybe you've been too obsessed with saving others you forgot how to save yourself.】
◆原諒結局(Forgive Ending)-Episode 5:
1:還有可能活著嗎【Is there really a chance that he's alive?】
2:我真的很想救他【He was a good person, I really wish we can save him.】
3:希望他萬事小心【I hope Saeyoung watches himself】
5:我想這有什麼誤會【She didn't hide it. I think there was a misunderstanding.】
6:還有什麼我們應該要知道的【Rika, is there anything else we need to know about Saeran?】
7:就算我們恨她心情也不會變好【Even if we hate it, it won't make us feel better.】
8:我們沒有人有資格去審判別人【But do we even deserve to judge someone?】
9:我不喜歡這樣【I don't like it. I'm feeling depressed too…】
10:我也覺得很不舒服【I'm feeling uncomfortable too…】
11:她會不會是無法控制自己【Maybe it was impossible for Rika to control herself.】
13:他一定也很痛苦【He'd feel very bad right now. He's in a situation that makes him hate someone.】
14:正義的標準會隨著時間改變【The definition of justice doesn't last.】
15:守護名譽還真困難【That's why it's so difficult to keep your dignity.】
16:一邊吃飯一邊聊天吧【Either(皆可) 】
17:我覺得他好像太在意自己了【Either(皆可) 】
18:我去森裡撿些食材【Either(皆可) 】
19:世穎…!?【Either(皆可) 】
20:他還活著嗎【Either(皆可) 】
◆原諒結局(Forgive Ending)-Episode 6:
2:為什麼在哭【Why are you crying?】
3:你一定很難過吧【It must be so heartbreaking for you. You love what Rika used to be like.】
4:你希望她怎麼做【What would you like her to do?】
5:你可以的【You can, if you decide to be gracious according to your own standards.】
6:希望Rika能治癒你【Do you want Rika to do that for you?】
7:接納真實的她並理解她【I'll try to accept Rika】
9:太棒了【That's great!】
10:希望你們兄弟倆能幸福【I hope you and your brother can be happy now.】
◆審判結局(Judge Ending)-Episode 1:
1:沒有其他話要跟我解釋了嗎【Don’t you have more explanations to give me?】
2:我不會原諒Rika【I’ll never forgive Rika】
3:能相信我嗎【Do you think you can trust me?】
4:聽說Rka的消息了嗎【Did you hear about Rika?】
5:Zen歡迎上線【Welcome, Zen.】
6:我們就忘了她吧【Let’s forget about her…as soon as her fate is decided.】
7:為自己的所作所為贖罪【All will be will as long as she properly pays for her doings.】
8:別談Rika了【Let’s not talk about Rika. I’m sure everything will work out eventually.】
9:我永遠不會原諒她【I will never forgive her.】
10:為什麼在找Seven【Why would you look for Seven?】
11:我也不曉得【This one is optional, whatever you pick.】
13:主旻剛才在找你【Jumin was just looking for you!】
14:嗯…還好【Well, we still have lots of things to sort out.】
17:他現在像是站在懸崖邊【For some reason, I feel like Seven’s standing at the end of a cliff.】
18:需要時間整理心情【I think I need some time for myself.】
19:不…我指的是是Rika的事【I should’t rule out that option too, if V is never coming back.】
20:就算學習了情況也不會改變【Even if you study, nothing will change.】
21:RFA會變成怎樣呢【So what will become of the RFA?】
22:把成我們的同好會如何【We should just throw away the title of the RFA and leave it as our club. 】
23:好…不過還有很多事未解決【Yeah, though I’m worried since we’re not out of the woods yet.】
◆審判結局(Judge Ending)-Episode 2:
1:是從哪寄來的【Were was it sent from?】
2:把信燒毀【Burn the letter】
3:指Seven離開RFA的事嗎【You mean the fact that Seven is leaving the RFA?】
4:她逃跑了嗎【Do you think she ran away?】
5:那裡已經沒有人追隨Rika了【That’s impossible. Now there’s no one there for Rika.】
6:若是那樣我倒是放心了【I’m actually glad if that’s the case.】
8:說不定是V【Maybe it was V】
9:你會生氣是正常的【Well, of course he’d be upset】
10:Ray真的已經死了嗎【So is Ray really gone?】
11:所以Seven才會綁架Rika嗎【Do you think Seven kidnapped Rika out of anger?】
12:雖然很難過但事情已經發生了【Though it pains me, what’s done is done. I hope the rest of us remaining wouldn’t suffer any more.】
13:V說Rika自殺了的時候【So when V said Rika committed suicide, shouldn’t he have taken better care of Ray?】
14:我很擔心Seven【I’m worried about Seven】
15:你終於認情她的真面目了【I’m glad you’ve finally managed to realize what she’s like.】
16:沒有抱持懷疑的心態生活【You’re right. If we don’t remain suspicious, the world will be cruel on us.】
17:我們都要讓Rika贖罪【We should make her pay for her crimes, one way.】
18:要兩樣子才能伸張正義【That’s the way justice should be done.】
19:想知道V正在做什麼嗎【You wanna know what V is doing at a time like this?】
20:把他的所有物一樣樣的燒掉【If he’s not coming back by next year, maybe I should start burning his things one by one.】
21:我想他的心靈層面異於常人…【He’s an artist. I think he had unusual judgement.】
22:其實還滿刺激有趣的【But it was kind of thrilling. And fun.】
24:沒人知道她會做出什麼事情【Who knows? There’s no telling what she’ll do.】
25:覺得今晚我也睡不著【I don’t think I can sleep tonight.】
◆審判結局(Judge Ending)-Episode 3:
1:把信揉掉【Crumple the letter】
2:只是有點煩悶【Something frustrated me a bit.】
3:連絡什麼【What msg?】
4:快點讓Rika回去原本的地方【We must send Rika back to where she belongs.】
5:你需要面膜【Any of these】
6:把V的東西一件件燒掉【I think I should start burning V’s belongings】
7:人都會重蹈覆轍【I heard someone say human beings are bound to repeat history.】
8:對Rika作出適當的審判【You should bring proper judgment upon Rika!】
9:Seven真的會沒事嗎【除了“How is she doing?”,其他Either(皆可) 】
10:不要讓Rika有機會說話【Don’t ever let Rika speak!】
13:表示我們不能過去了【Does this mean we can’t go?】
15:我不想見Rika【To be honest, I’d hate to see Rika.】
16:Rika已經沒救了吧【You do realize that Rika can’t be saved, don’t you?】
◆審判結局(Judge Ending)-Episode 4:
1:Rika在哪裡【Where is Rika?】
2:絕對不能原諒她【We should never forgive her.】
3:你回去房間【Get back in there. We’re in the middle of a conversation.】
4:你有誠實面對流星嗎【Rika, were you ever honest with Yoosung?】
5:她待在我身邊讓我不安【We should hurry up and come up with something to do about her. I’m scared to keep her hanging around.】
6:你真的在反省了嗎【Are you at least feeling sorry?】
7:我不想看到她【I hated seeing her.】
8:我們無視她吧【Now let us mind her no more】
10:Zen你恨她嗎【Don’t you hate Rika, Zen?】
11:VFA聽起來不錯【VFA sounds nice..so does (name’s)FA.】
12:V因為她去了很遠的地方【And he is away right now because of her.】
13:Rika回你房間去【Rika! Get back to your room!】
14:為什麼不早說【Couldn’t you tell us sooner?】
15:事情變成這樣都是因為你【Don’t stand there crying. This is all because of you.】
16:沒有理由再找藉口【You’ve already chosen to be a parent. You have no excuse to make up excuses.】
17:他不會再見你了【Wherever he is, he’ll never get to see you again.】
18:應該說是為了其他人好【You know, that’d be the way you can be the least of help for others.】
◆審判結局(Judge Ending)-Episode 5:
1:希望不會希望落空【I’d hate to have false hope…】
2:Rika能早點告訴我們就好了【It would’ve been better if Rika told us sooner…!】
3:要如何救他【How are you going to save him?】
5:她也對世瀾很壞【She was mean to him when he was there.】
6:你幫不上忙就不要和我們說話【Don’t talk to us if you can’t help us. Nobody forgave you.】
7:會不會是要刺激我們的同情心【She’s not wandering about our sight to make us feel sorry for her and forgive her, is she?】
8:不受制裁就不會停止做壞事【That’s right. Some people need stop doing wrong things unless they’re properly judged.】
9:她的所作所為更讓人痛苦【That’s nothing compared to what she’s done.】
10:都是因她而起不是嗎【All of those bad things happened because of Rika.】
11:想快點擺脫她回歸幸福日常【I wish we could get rid of her quickly and return to our happy lives.】
13:如果不是因為Rika的事【Our gathering would have been so cheerful If it weren’t for Rika!】
14:要是沒有正義【Without justice, we won’t get compensated for our suffering. So even if this is painful, we must bear with it.】
15:不用在意他人眼光【Don’t mind about others and just live up to your own conscience.】
◆審判結局(Judge Ending)-Episode 6:
2:Rika對你做了什麼【Did Rika do something to you?】
3:一切都會過去【It will all pass away. But from now on, don’t be so gullible.】
4:等她為她犯下的罪行來贖罪時【Once Rika pays for her crimes, you’ll get to remove her from your heart.】
5:你只是有點不走運...【No. You were merely unfortunate.】
6:我絕對不會原諒她【I’ll never forgive her.】
8:你願意嗎【Is it okay with you?】
9:你會永遠留在RFA囉【So are you going to stay with us forever?】