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[手遊攻略][BL]戀愛旅人(Love Traveler)英文/中文攻略(附介紹)

戀愛旅人(愛情旅行者、愛的旅人、Love Traveler: BL Visual Novel、널 다시 만나고 싶어: BL 연애 시뮬레이션 스토리게임)的介紹與攻略。



《Love Travele》是一款由 Buff Studio (Story Games, Calm Games) 推出的模擬手遊。








更改語言(language)的方法:遊戲主界面 ➞ 齒輪圖示(settings) ➞ default settings。



episode x:如果您想繼續閱讀故事,請選擇右下信封圖示。




side story:可以閱讀各種支線故事。





(1)角色的好感度可以從profile、bag(peak inside my heart)查看。

(2)獲得角色好感度的方法,劇中選項、side story(item)、shop(item)。

(3)選擇消耗ticket的選項能夠增加角色好感度,例:50 ticket(好感度+5)、100 ticket(好感度+10)、200 ticket(好感度+20),消耗ticket越大的選項越能增加更多的好感度。

(4)special day 1和special day 2選擇想要攻略的角色後,選擇Ticket-700的選項,能夠大幅提升想要攻略的角色的好感度,更快達到想要攻略的角色的好感度100%。


(1)下面的攻略會列出部分增加好感度的選項,沒有列出的選項選擇沒有消耗Ticket、[1]上面選項。如有例外情況則會列出選項,例:Daniel的special day 1、Daniel的episode 13。

(2)選項前面會標示數字[1]、 [2]、[3]…,表示由上至下的選項,例:遇到有兩個選項的時候,攻略寫[2]XXX(Ticket-200,Jacob+20),表示選擇下面選項能夠增加Jacob的好感度。

(3)該章節沒有找到增加該角色的好感度的時候會標示「無」,例:Jacob-episode 1的「無」表示該「episode 1」沒有找到Jacob增加好感度的選項。


(1)角色好感度100%往good ending(有插圖)。

➞Jacob、Stuart、Leo的good ending可以透過劇中選項達到100%(含special day 1和special day 2選擇Ticket-700的選項)。

➞Daniel的good ending可以透過劇中選項(含special day 1和special day 2選擇Ticket-700的選項)+購買商店(shop)的道具(item)達到100%。

(2)角色好感度未滿100%往bad ending(有插圖)。


◆Jacob-episode 1

◆Jacob-episode 2

◆Jacob-episode 3

[2]Take Jacob's hand and get up(Ticket-200,Jacob+20)

◆Jacob-episode 4

[4]Where's Jacob?(Ticket-50,Jacob+5)

[3]Where've you been?(Ticket-100,Jacob+10)

[2]Take Jacob and move out of the way(Ticket-100,Jacob+10)

◆Jacob-episode 5

◆Jacob-episode 6

◆Jacob-episode 7

[2]Wonder if Jacob's okay(Ticket-100,Jacob+10)

[2]Approach Jacob as he takes a break(Ticket-100,Jacob+10)

[2]You're awesome(Ticket-200,Jacob+20)

[2]I pull Jacob's arm to stop him(Ticket-200,Jacob+20)

[2]is making sure Jacob's injury doesn't get worse(Ticket-200,Jacob+20)

[2]I'm sorry but I think it was the best choice(Ticket-100,Jacob+10)

◆Jacob-episode 8

[2]It can't be Jacob, can it?(Ticket-100,Jacob+10)

◆Jacob-episode 9

[3]Jacob would've been able to do this with his eyes shut(Ticket-200,Jacob+20)

◆Jacob-episode 10

◆Jacob-episode 11

[2]Stop being so cute, I'm losing my will power(Ticket-50,Jacob+5)

[2]Touch it(Ticket-200,Jacob+20)

[2]Keep looking at Jacob's face(Ticket-100,Jacob+10)

[2]It'll be okay if you just study in advance(Ticket-50,Jacob+5)

[2]Of course(Ticket-50,Jacob+5)


[2]But...going to your house is...(Ticket-100,Jacob+10)

◆Jacob-episode 12

[4]You should be studying, Jake!(Ticket-300,Jacob+30)

◆special day 1

選擇Jacob的頭像,進入Jacob的special day 1。

[2]Follow Jacob(Ticket-700,Jacob+200)

[2]I'll keep it between us(Ticket-50,Jacob+5)

◆Jacob-episode 13

[2]I'm going to be in the same group as Jacob.(Ticket-100,Jacob+10)

[2]It's only Charlie here so it's a great chance for me to ask them what's going on between then.(Ticket-200,Jacob+20)

[1]Jacob is standing there with a stern look on his face(Ticket-300,Jacob+30)


[2]I should've just asked Jacob(Ticket-100,Jacob+10)

◆Jacob-episode 14

[2]You know this doesn't count for buying me lunch, right?(Ticket-50,Jacob+5)
Read more B O T S O D G +
[2]Signal to Jacob(Ticket-100,Jacob+10)

[2]Jacob grabs my hand(Ticket-50,Jacob+5)


◆Jacob-episode 15

[2]Hold Jacob's hand(Ticket-100,Jacob+10)

◆Jacob-episode 16

◆special day 2

選擇Jacob的頭像,進入Jacob的special day 2。


[2]Anything I eat with you is special(Ticket-50,Jacob+5)

[2]People with great bodies!(Ticket-50,Jacob+5)

[2]What about acting? You might discover you have a hidden talent(Ticket-50,Jacob+5)

◆Jacob-episode 17

◆Jacob-episode 18

[2]Jaka's suffering for things he didn't even do(Ticket-100,Jacob+10)

[3]Jaka's right(Ticket-100,Jacob+10)




◆Leo-episode 1

[2]Take his hand(Ticket-50,Leo+5)

[2]There's no way I could forget someone this hot.(Ticket-50,Leo+5)

◆Leo-episode 2

◆Leo-episode 3

[3]The adorable kiddo you were looking for is me?(Ticket-200,Leo+20)

[2]Stare hard at Leo's neck(Ticket-100,Leo+10)

[2]Take Leo's tie(Ticket-200,Leo+20)

◆Leo-episode 4

◆Leo-episode 5

[2]If he's in danger, I have to help!(Ticket-200,Leo+20)

◆Leo-episode 6

[2]Y...you're really popular, getting declarations of love and stuff(Ticket-100,Leo+10)

[2]Brag about my love letter(Ticket-100,Leo+10)

◆Leo-episode 7

◆Leo-episode 8

[2]It can't be Leo, can it?(Ticket-100,Leo+10)

◆Leo-episode 9

[2]Stand in front of Leo so that Stan can't take photos(Ticket-200,Leo+20)

[2]Leo, it doesn't feel like you really care about yourself(Ticket-100,Leo+10)

[2]Have you seen me(Ticket-50,Leo+5)

[2]He's a hardworker(Ticket-100,Leo+10)

[2]I look closely at his forehead(Ticket-100,Leo+10)

◆Leo-episode 10

[2]You did interrupt right when things were getting good(Ticket-100,Leo+10)

◆Leo-episode 11

◆Leo-episode 12

[3]What are you playing, Leo?(Ticket-300,Leo+30)

[2]Okay, I'll try then(Ticket-200,Leo+20)

◆special day 1

選擇Leo的頭像,進入Leo的special day 1。

[2]Go to the sports field to call Leo(Ticket-700,Leo+200)

[2]Tell him he can tell me anything, that I'll help(Ticket-100,Leo+10)

◆Leo-episode 13

◆Leo-episode 14

[3]Leo holds my wait(Ticket-50,Leo+5)


[2]Of course I feel shy, everyone is looking!(Ticket-100,Leo+10)


◆Leo-episode 15

[2]If Leo fell down, he probably would've broken something...(Ticket-100,Leo+10)


[2]Phew...thank god(Ticket-50,Leo+5)


◆Leo-episode 16

◆special day 2

選擇Leo的頭像,進入Leo的special day 2。

[2]Call him back.(Ticket-700,Leo+200)

[2]There's something for the two of us to do together(Ticket-50,Leo+5)

[2]Even if there's like a 10-year age gap?(Ticket-100,Leo+10)

◆Leo-episode 17

[3]Did Leo and I ever kiss?(Ticket-200,Leo+20)

[3]Cover Leo's eyes(Ticket-200,Leo+20)

[2]Look...look as long as you want(Ticket-50,Leo+5)

◆Leo-episode 18

[2]I can't get a hold of Leo, I have no idea what's happening with him(Ticket-100,Leo+10)*

[2]I feel like we're a good match for each other(Ticket-200,Leo+20)

[2]But I still want to help Leo(Ticket-100,Leo+10)




◆Stuart-episode 1

◆Stuart-episode 2

◆Stuart-episode 3

[2]I pull him in for a hug(Ticket-200,Stuart+20)

[2]Act like nothing happened(Ticket-100,Stuart+10)

[2]Why'd you make that choice then?(Ticket-200,Stuart+20)

◆Stuart-episode 4

◆Stuart-episode 5

[2]I remember the day that I lost Stuart(Ticket-100,Stuart+10)

[2]I didn't have the chance before but I do now(Ticket-200,Stuart+20)

[2]Keep pretending(Ticket-50)

[2]Don't cry alone(Ticket-100,Stuart+10)

◆Stuart-episode 6

◆Stuart-episode 7

◆Stuart-episode 8

[2]I wonder if it's okay to tell him about Stuart's personal business(Ticket-100,Stuart+10)

[2]It can't be Stuart, can it?(Ticket-100,Stuart+10)

◆Stuart-episode 9

◆Stuart-episode 10


[2]Grab Stuart's hand and run like crazy(Ticket-200,Stuart+20)

[2]Lure him with the book(Ticket-100,Stuart+10)

[3]Are you disappointed in me(Ticket-100,Stuart+10)

[2]Do you want me to walk you home(Ticket-100,Stuart+10)

[2]It's attention(Ticket-200,Stuart+20)

◆Stuart-episode 11

◆Stuart-episode 12


[2]I'm right here(Ticket-200,Stuart+20)

[1]Can I have some chips too?Stu?(Ticket-300,Stuart+30)

[2]Brush it off for him(Ticket-200,Stuart+20)

◆special day 1

選擇Stuart的頭像,進入Stuart的special day 1。

[2]Follow Stuart(Ticket-700,Stuart+200)

[2]To see you(Ticket-200,Stuart+20)

◆Stuart-episode 13

◆Stuart-episode 14

[2]He's upset. Did I treat him too much like a baby?(Ticket-50,Stuart+5)


◆Stuart-episode 15

◆Stuart-episode 16

[2]His precious journal is a mess(Ticket-50,Stuart+5)

[2]I trust you'll tell me when you're ready, so I'm just waiting(Ticket-100,Stuart+10)

[2]How could your older brother say that to you(Ticket-100,Stuart+10)

[3]I want you to stay(Ticket-200,Stuart+20)

◆special day 2

選擇Stuart的頭像,進入Stuart的special day 2。

[2]Answer the call(Ticket-700,Stuart+200)

[2]Good thing I wasn't doing anything(Ticket-100,Stuart+10)

◆Stuart-episode 17

[2]Then, could it really be Stu?(Ticket-200,Stuart+20)


◆Stuart-episode 18

[2]Stu took his own life without ever getting acknowledged by his family(Ticket-100,Stuart+10)




◆Daniel-episode 1

[2]You thought you can hide? You're way too big for that!(Ticket-50,Daniel+5)

◆Daniel-episode 2

[2]Th..thanks for saving me!(Ticket-50,Daniel+5)

[2]Lemme pinch your cheek(Ticket-100,Daniel+10)

[2]I put my hand on Daniel's(Ticket-200,Daniel+20)

[2]Me? You care about me?(Ticket-200,Daniel+20)

◆Daniel-episode 3

◆Daniel-episode 4

◆Daniel-episode 5

◆Daniel-episode 6

[2]Nice, you're a good little bro, I'm touched!(Ticket-100,Daniel+10)

[2]Wha..what are you looking at!(Ticket-100,Daniel+10)

[2]I, I studied(Ticket-50,Daniel+5)

[2]I...I wasn't trying to hide it(Ticket-50,Daniel+5)


◆Daniel-episode 7

◆Daniel-episode 8

[2]I didn't want to get you caught up in it(Ticket-200,Daniel+20)

[2]Hold his hand(Ticket-200,Daniel+20)

[2]Do you finally admit that I'm an adult?(Ticket-100,Daniel+10)

[2]Smack Daniel's forehead(Ticket-100,Daniel+10)

◆Daniel-episode 9

[2]Daniel wouldn't have had any trouble at all with this(Ticket-200,Daniel+20)

◆Daniel-episode 10

◆Daniel-episode 11

◆Daniel-episode 12

[2]Are you worried I'm going to vanish suddenly?(Ticket-100,Daniel+10)

[1]Introduce Daniel first(Daniel+5)

[2]Dan! I want to read The Grand Dunk, too!(Ticket-300,Daniel+30)

[2]Try to take the comic back by force(Ticket-200,Daniel+20)

◆special day 1

選擇Daniel的頭像,進入special day 1。

[2]Run to Daniel and sling my arm over his shoulder(Ticket-700,Daniel+200)

[2]Of course not, I was kidding!

[2]You're still good looking

[2]Fine! You're right! Your face is my type!(Ticket-200,Daniel+20)

◆Daniel-episode 13

[2]I'm going to be in the same group as Jacob.(Ticket-100,Jacob+10)

[2]It's only Charlie here so it's a great chance for me to ask them what's going on between then.(Ticket-200,Jacob+20)

[2]Gimme one too

[4]Daniel is sighing(Ticket-300,Daniel+30)

[2]It's been so long sine I smelled this...(Ticket-100,Daniel+10)

[2]Uh? Oh... They're in the same class as me(Ticket-100,Daniel+10)

◆Daniel-episode 14

[1]Daniel? You got here just in time!(Ticket-300,Daniel+30)

◆Daniel-episode 15


[2]You're the one who needs to get in shape, Daniel!(Daniel+3)

[2]Of course I trust you(Ticket-200,Daniel+20)

◆Daniel-episode 16

◆special day 2

選擇Daniel的頭像,進入Daniel的special day 2。

[2]Throw the phone on the sofa(Ticket-700,Daniel+200)

[2]You...you're really fit...(Ticket-100,Daniel+10)

◆Daniel-episode 17

[3]Maybe what Daniel is saying is right(Ticket-100,Daniel+10)

[4]Maybe it's Daniel who's always  by my side(Ticket-100,Daniel+10)

◆Daniel-episode 18




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