
[手遊攻略]如何獲得超能者(How to Get Espers)英文/中文攻略(附介紹)

如何獲得超能者(如何獲得異能者、如何才能得到它、How to Get Espers、하우 투 겟 에스퍼 : 초능력 액션 스토리 게임)的介紹與攻略。







《How to Get Espers》是一款以“看”為主題的遊戲,玩家將體驗主角墨菲(Murphy)的超能力與成長。









《如何獲得超能者》的主題是“看”,因此我們將游戲的視覺效果最大化,為您帶來文字遊戲類型從未有過的動感體驗。主角在自己的慾望和局限性之間掙扎,並通過向不同的人學習並與他們建立關係來成長。立即體驗 Buff Studio 全新超能力動作視覺小說故事遊戲!

- 一款圖文小說風格的視覺小說遊戲
- 易於玩耍 - 只需從選項之一中進行選擇
- 基於熟悉的聊天風格用戶界面進行遊戲
- 動態製作提供更加身臨其境、動感十足的體驗
- 最大限度地發揮“看”的主題而製作
- 玩家的選擇決定故事和結局
- 通過支線故事了解更多關於配角的信息

- 如果您喜歡《7Days》、《幽靈事務所》、《幽靈事務所:查利的故事》、《不完全是一位英雄》,您一定會喜歡《How to Get Espers》
- 適合喜歡故事遊戲、獨立遊戲和簡單遊戲的玩家
- 適合喜歡輕小說或視覺小說等文字遊戲的玩家
- 推薦給喜歡視覺小說遊戲、冒險遊戲和聊天遊戲的玩家
- 推薦給喜歡奇幻故事或輕小說的玩家
- 推薦給喜歡免費遊戲、獨立遊戲、休閒遊戲的玩家
- 推薦給喜歡輕小說、推理、小說遊戲、聊天遊戲的玩家
- 適合厭倦了普通故事遊戲的玩家的頂級遊戲
- 推薦給喜歡Undertale等獨特獨立遊戲的玩家




更改語言(language)的方法:遊戲主界面 ➞ 齒輪圖示(settings) ➞ default settings。




episode x:如果您想繼續閱讀故事,請選擇右下圖示。




side story:可以閱讀各種支線故事。





chapter 9之前好感度達到標準即可進入該角色的結局(例:90%以上)。

[一周目(Diego : ending)]


chapter 1

[1]Then burning you with some hot coals would be better.

[1]Oh, yes, old sir. The world has changed completely.(Diego+5)

[3]Can it be that I'm already hallucinating?(Diego+5)

[2]You're not a serial bomber, are you?(Diego+5)

[2][Explain the situation to Master](Master+5)

[1]Will something bad happen to someone innocent like Diego?(TICKET-100)(Diego+10)

[1]Can I ask you what kind of movies you usually watch?(Master+5)

[2]You say that so confidently it  sounds believable.(Diego+5)

[1]People might figure out that I have powers.

[2]I'm gonna end up being a dragon slayer?!(TICKET-100)(Master+10)

[1]Since I don't want my identity to be uncovered.

[1]Well, calling it your ammo... there's an issue of ownership...

[1]I'm grateful but you're a jerk.

[2]No, I used a smokescreen so they couldn't see.(TICKET-100)(Sid+10)

[1]For people you look down on, you sure worry about them.(TICKET-100)(Sid+10)

[2]Does that bike seat 2?(TICKET-100)(Diego+10)

◆episode 1

chapter 2

[1]I understand but not so sure about the higher-ups.

[2]It would have been nice if it were a bike or something.(TICKET-100)(Sid+10)

[1]The blood transfusion thing sounds somewhat credible.

[1]Did cartridge bomb Central or something?

[1]An Esper subject to registration met my lips.

[1]Seems you prefer well-done.

[2]What is it that you need help with?(TICKET-100)(Master+10)

[1]But I'm okay, it seems?

[1]What in the world are you building?

[1]yesterday's case...

[2](I hate losing, is it okay if join in?)(TICKET-100)(Master+10)

[1](He took the "bare" part of berehanded quite literally...)

[1]I'll only watch from the best seats in the house!

[2]Are your eyes okay, Master?(TICKET-100)(Master+10)

[2]If you put it like that, you don't have to cover up but...(TICKET-100)(Sid+10)

◆episode 2

chapter 3

[1]And they say it's easy to lose sight of your humble beginnings!

[1]What about Sid?

[1]What a sh1tty thing to say.

[2]Write up all your questions and submit them in writing later.(TICKET-100)(Sid+10)

[1]I'm in charge of this newbie.

[1]Trying to help catch a dangerous criminal.(Diego+5)

[1]You worked in crime, did you now?

[1]We should act like we're a couple.

[1]It really shows you've been doing this your whole life, a real expert!(Diego+10)

[1]Independent tax collector...?

[1]Sorry, that's why I had to touch you.

◆episode 3

chapter 4

[1]Oh, we're architecture students and we're here on a field trip...(Diego+5)

[1]I heard it's dark and full of dust.

[1]What in the world is the situation?

[1][Follow the floor]

[1]Had to get help from the newbie, this is embarrassing...(TICKET-200)(Diego+20)

[1]So there have been crazy bastards who've already tried that?

[1]We're not S-grade Espers like Sid!

[1][The blunt, round object that the mercenary on the left is holding.]

[1][Comfort Master](TICKET-200)(Master+20)

[2][Focus on Diego](TICKET-300)(Diego+30)

[1]Be honest, you wanted to work with me, right?(TICKET-100)(Sid+10)

[1]Don' worry, I'll buy a baseball bat or something on my way home.

[1]Is it spacious enough?(Sid+5)

[1]are you talking about the newbie Diego's house?(Diego+5)

[1][Diego's place](TICKET-300)(Diego+30)

◆episode 4

chapter 5

[1]Even a ghost wouldn't haunt this place.

[2]The Earth must love you.(TICKET-100)(Diego+10)

[1]Who were you surrounded by? Your fan club?(Diego+5)

[1]What's your favorite movie? "Home Alone on Friday the 13th"?

[1]How to tie a necktie?

[1][he didn't send Diego to school]

[1]"We'll just hold hands, that's it" - something like that?(Diego+20)

[1]Did I snore or something?

◆episode 5

chapter 6

[1]The were gone when I got up.

[1]I'm on my way! Is everything okay there? You're not in danger?

[1]you just said that I'm going to use it?(Master+5)

[2]I'm a little less nervous since you're behind me.(TICKET-200)(Master+20)

[1]So it wasn't just the ice cream cart you did that to?

[1]Just to defeat the attackers.(Master+5)

[1][Attack lightly but quickly]

[1]We got a new one.

◆episode 6

chapter 7

[1][Stand by Diego](TICKET-200)(Diego+20)

[1]At least 33%?


[2]Diego's an outsider so he knows dark corners well?(TICKET-200)(Diego+20)

[1]Cap, be honest, you're enjoying this, aren't you


[1]They're not talking about us.

[1]There's really such a thing as superpowers?

[1]Real superpowers aren't that super, are they?

[1]You are already a superhero, Assemblyman.

[1]Could you give us some insight about handling money?

[1]what do you think the power to defend oneself from any attack would be worth?

[1]a car carrying a bomb is headed full speed this way?

[1]That... you have good hearing...

[1]You must wish you had some sort of superpower that could defend against everything.

[1]I'm with Master on this.(Master+10)

[1](It's an emergency, hope you understand.)(TICKET-300)

[2]I know this is going to sound weird, bot you have skills.(TICKET-200)(Diego+20)

[1]I think I had too much to drink.

◆episode 7

chapter 8

[1]The thing that you're thinking of.(TICKET-200)(Diego+20)

[1]How am I supposed to trust you?

[1]Where's the attack happening?(Diego+5)

[1]Were you in the field too?

[1]Of course, Cap is one step ahead.

[2]Diego, what do you think?(TICKET-200)(Diego+20)

[1]All dressed up and ready to go.

[1]You forgot to say "passerby!"

[1]Did you just throw that dude with on hand?

[1]She can't talk if you don't let go!

[1]Those are old memories.

[1]I don't know if it will be possible for us to stop her.

◆episode 8

chapter 9

[1]What happens after you kill them all like that?

[1][Look at Diego]

[1]What does that matter?

[1]I told you that sounds weird!

[1]Do you have to ask that while we're on top of a moving bus?

[1]I'll tell you.

[1]I object to an hour of weight training!


[1]Good timing.

[二周目(Master : ending)]


chapter 1

[2]Wait, this is an old memory. Earlier... at the park... (skip)(TICKET-200)(Diego+15)

[2]I got it, let's move on (skip).(Diego+10)(Master+15)

[1]Can I ask you what kind of movies you usually watch?(Master+5)


[2]It's embarrassing.

[2]I'm gonna end up being a dragon slayer?!(TICKET-100)(Master+10)
原 文 看 B O T S O D G + ~ 世 界 一 空 ~
[2]Since there's nothing else I can do.

[2]Well, we can argue about the word "attack" because I didn't actually...

[3]Now's not the time, just move on! (skip)(TICKET-200)(Sid+10)

[1]Can you give me a ride?

◆episode 1

chapter 2

[3]I'm not supposed to let it slide, but I will. (skip)(TICKET-200)(Sid+10)(Master+10)

[2]You cried because of me, Master.

[2]Is your new masterpiece a 16-cylinder vacuum cleaner?

[2]What is it that you need help with?(TICKET-100)(Master+10)

[3]Don't worry, all this will pass, too. (skip)(TICKET-200)(Master+20)

[2](Is there some way to treat exhibitionism?)

[2]I won't get on unless it's first class!

[2]Are your eyes okay, Master?(TICKET-100)(Master+10)

[2]If you put it like that, you don't have to cover up but...(TICKET-100)(Sid+10)

◆episode 2

chapter 3

[3]This doesn't look good for me so let's move on! (skip)(TICKET-200)(Sid+15)

[2]I'm here to rescue the poor newbie.

[2]You're finally employed, we can't let the job disappear.

[2]You worked in investigation, did you now?

[3]PDA will be the best way.(skip)(TICKET-200)

[2]An expert in attracting involuntary investment?

[2]Seeing is my specialty, but that's all I can do.

◆episode 3

chapter 4

[3]We're from Central. Mind your business.(skip)(TICKET-200)

[2]Master, what's going on?(TICKET-200)(Master+20)

[2]Is that why you said we shouldn't show off our powers?

[2]We're going to be turned to swiss cheese before that!

[2][The long object sticking out the mercenary on the right's pocket.]

[1][Comfort Master](TICKET-200)(Master+20)

[3][Focus on Master](TICKET-300)(Master+30)

[1]Be honest, you wanted to work with me, right?(TICKET-100)(Sid+10)

[2]Is it my turn to say "Ah" now?

[1]Is it spacious enough?(Sid+5)

[2]you're talking about your house.

[3][Force your way into Master's lab](TICKET-300)((Master+30)

◆episode 4

chapter 5

[1]someone died in that room!

[2]What time's check out?(TICKET-200)(Master+20)

[1]but I feel like I was being weird in my sleep last night.

◆episode 5

chapter 6

[3]Everyday is a war.(skip)(TICKET-200)(Master+5)

[2]I'm a little less nervous since you're behind me.(TICKET-200)(Master+20)

[2]What's next, a super dishwasher?

[1]Just to defeat the attackers.(Master+5)

[2][Lodge a strong, single punch]

[2]There weren't but now there are.

◆episode 6

chapter 7

[1][Protect Master](TICKET-200)(Master+20)

[3]We don't have time for this.(skip)(TICKET-200)(Diego+20)(Sid+20)(Master+5)


[2]Do not get the wrong idea when you hear this.

[2]That's really interesting.

[2]Oh, you were talking about comics.

[2]I'm sure your dream will come true.

[2]Can you give us a slight hint about what's worth investing in this city?

[2]what do you think the ability of superstrength would be worth?

[2]shouldn't we be evacuating right now?

[2]That... you find me interesting...

[2]You must want a bulletproof body or something.

[1]I'm with Joy on this.(Master+5)

[1](I agree to that.)(TICKET-300)

[2]Don't tease me for being a player anymore.(TICKET-200)(Master+20)

[2]My energy is drained.

◆episode 7

chapter 8

[2]You already look nice...(TICKET-200)(Master+20)

[2]How can you trust me?

[2]Is HQ okay?(Master+5)

[2]How did you get out?

[2]Oh dear, so this is how it is now?

[2]Master, what do you think?(TICKET-200)(Master+20)

[2]You're more curious about the suit than you are about me, right?

[2]Will time make things better?(skip)(TICKET-200)

[2]Did you extract 100% of Cartridge's powers?

[2]She can't talk if she dies!

[2]Look around you.

[2]I don't think we're in a position to "allow" anything.

◆episode 8

chapter 9

[1][Look at Master]

[1]You got an award for being the most hard-working in kindergarten, right?

[1]She reacted to what I said.

[1]How did she know I was here?

[1]You're lying about thinking that I was a combat agent.

[1]I totally forgot about that...

[1]I get to be in your arms thanks to that so it works for me...

[1]But I gave him underwear at least...

[三周目(Sid : ending)]


chapter 1

[2]Wait, this is an old memory. Earlier... at the park... (skip)(TICKET-200)(Diego+15)

[2]I got it, let's move on (skip).(Diego+10)(Master+15)

[2]Can I ask you what kind of food you usually eat?(Master+5)


[2]It's embarrassing.

[1]That's not what's important now!

[2]Since there's nothing else I can do.

[2]Well, we can argue about the word "attack" because I didn't actually...

[3]Now's not the time, just move on! (skip)(TICKET-200)(Sid+10)

[1]Can you give me a ride?

◆episode 1

chapter 2

[3]I'm not supposed to let it slide, but I will. (skip)(TICKET-200)(Sid+10)(Master+10)

[3]I saw Sid's naked back.

[2]Is your new masterpiece a 16-cylinder vacuum cleaner?

[1]Let's just talk about work.

[3]Don't worry, all this will pass, too. (skip)(TICKET-200)(Master+20)

[2](Is there some way to treat exhibitionism?)

[3]Get away from me, both of you!

[2]You can defend yourself even from stuff like this, Sid?(TICKET-100)(Master+Sid)

[2]If you put it like that, you don't have to cover up but...(TICKET-100)(Sid+10)

◆episode 2

chapter 3

[3]This doesn't look good for me so let's move on! (skip)(TICKET-200)(Sid+15)

[2]I'm here to rescue the poor newbie.

[2]You're finally employed, we can't let the job disappear.

[2]You worked in investigation, did you now?

[3]PDA will be the best way.(skip)(TICKET-200)

[2]An expert in attracting involuntary investment?

[2]Seeing is my specialty, but that's all I can do.

◆episode 3

chapter 4

[3]We're from Central. Mind your business.(skip)(TICKET-200)

[1]I'm okay...

[2]Is that why you said we shouldn't show off our powers?

[2]We're going to be turned to swiss cheese before that!

[2][The long object sticking out the mercenary on the right's pocket.]

[1][Spit out a bunch of nonsense for Diego to hear](TICKET-200)(Diego+20)

[3][Focus on Sid](TICKET-300)(Sid+30)

[1]Be honest, you wanted to work with me, right?(TICKET-100)(Sid+10)

[2]Is it my turn to say "Ah" now?

[1]Is it spacious enough?(Sid+5)

[2]you're talking about your house.

[2][Sid's house](TICKET-300)(Sid+30)

◆episode 4

chapter 5

[3]You can say "fun" at a time like this?(skip)(TICKET-200)(Sid+20)

[2]I'm lifting the ban on undressing more.(TICKET-200)(Sid+20)

[1]Get out here fast, I'm hungry.

◆episode 5

chapter 6

[3]Everyday is a war.(skip)(TICKET-200)(Master+5)

[1]are you ready?

[2]What's next, a super dishwasher?

[2]I want it.

[2][Lodge a strong, single punch]

[2]There weren't but now there are.

◆episode 6

chapter 7

[1][Agree with Sid](TICKET-200)(Sid+20)

[3]We don't have time for this.(skip)(TICKET-200)(Diego+20)(Sid+20)(Master+5)


[3]...It's irritating but I have to agree(TICKET-200)(Sid+20)

[1]Superpowers... the government said there isn't such a thing.

[1]Were you introduced by name before?

[1]You'll find out someday.

[3]I need to get Sid out of here first.(TICKET-200)(Sid+20)

[3]Was it spicy?(TICKET-200)(Sid+20)

[1]He says he's feeling light-headed from meeting so many famous people.

◆episode 7

chapter 8

[2]What, you want to be some sort of huge naked body that jumps through explosions or something?(TICKET-200)(Sid+20)

[2]How can you trust me?

[1]What's going on?

[2][Leave them and attack the boss in the back.](TICKET-200)(Sid+20)

[1]Were you in the field too?

[1]Of course, Cap is one step ahead.

[2]Sid, what do you think?

[1]All dressed up and ready to go.

[2]Will time make things better?(skip)(TICKET-200)

[2]Did you extract 100% of Cartridge's powers?

[2]She can't talk if she dies!

[2]Look around you.

[2]I don't think we're in a position to "allow" anything.

◆episode 8

chapter 9

[2]Is that really all you have left?

[1][Look at Sid]

[1]Will going after her change anything?

[1]I really want to punch you in the gut!

[1]Even if it means working with those bastards at the party in Central?

[1]Why me?

[1]Cap-you're really a yellow mouse...right? With red cheeks?

[1]it's your average hostage situation.






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